Var að kíkja á síðuna hjá þessu egói og sá þetta:

Q: What is the ugliest experience that you have had in your entire life?

A: MY music from the new cd-Sexy Loverboy was stolen, used and broadcasted without my permission on an icelandic Government run TV programme (RÚV) on new years eve, and credited to a white icelandic person. I got angry, sent him a reply, and instead of giving me an apology, the Icelandic Ku-Klux-Klan, showered me with Hate e-mails, Racist abuse and Murder threats, which is all documented at the police station.. Their hatred for me and my music is also posted on the internet, on their web-site. Photo' s and paragraphs were stolen right out of my website, mocked and abused, my looks and appearance and my innocent family who are living abroad torn into shreds, proving the Icelandic racists mental disease, and inferiority complex. They sent me e-mails stating that they hated all coloured people in Iceland,and that I should get out of their country, go back to disgusting India. That all yellow, brown and black people should get out at once. Not to mention a whole lot of other Horrendous abuse. All I did was give the Icelandic Ku-klux-klan a taste of their own medicine for harrassing me and belittling me and my music for over 17 years, in their icelandic media. Now I can show the world proof of Racism in Iceland. Do you think that this is great for the icelandic tourist industry? Are these people Christians?

Ef hún ætlar að reyna að skemma fyrir ferðamannabransa hérna, þá veit ég ekki betur en það bitni á öllum íslendingum. Og ekki er hún að sýna bréfið sem hún sendi fólki. Og ég man ekki til þess að það sé eitthvað Ku-klux-klan hérna á Íslandi. Djöfull er maður orðinn pirraður á henni.<br><br>EvilMan_01: You fools! You have been torturing a masochist!