Ég er bara að spá hvaða grein í sögu huga hefur fengið flest svörin?

Gaman ef einhver vissi það, ég er ekki að tala um korka því CS spilararnir nauðga þeim víst mjög illa ;-) Var búinn að heyra um kork með yfir 1000 svör, ekki veit ég hvort að það er satt eða ekki.


I see your soul, it's kind of gray
I see your heart, you look away
You see my wrist, I know your pain
I know your purpose on your plane
Don't say a last prayer
Because you could never find - What´s This Life For

Torn, I'm filthy
Born in my own misery
Stole all that you gave me
Control you claim you save me
The peace is dead in my soul
I have blamed the reason for
My intentions poor - Torn

So I held my head up high
Hiding hate that burns inside
Which only fuels their selfish pride
We're all held captive
Out from the sun
A sun that shines on only some
We the meek are all in one - My Own Prison