þetta eru einungis pælingar mínar og bakþankar síðustu daga. Allt þetta er mitt álit en endilega komið með ykkar skoðun. Skítköst afþegin.

Meaning in life

Life is wasted so many times.

We do lots of things in life.
We do good and bad deeds.
Some do more of the other.

We do things we like.
And don’t like.

We do things we hate.
And love.

We stay in school up until
20 years old, we get a job,
A family and in the end we
try to catch up to tall the things
we didn’t do in life before we die.
Die unhappy.

However, death often comes
sooner then we expect.
Why is that?

Because of others. And are those
others are cause death by others?
But where does it begin?

Is there some kind of death
Factory of death lord whom
Begins death and makes
It go on etc?

The Human body
Homo sapient sapient

What I have been describing fits
this human so well. How? Why?
It is deaths bounty hunter.
Its deaths servant yet its creator.

Everyone wants what they cannot have.
And when they finally get it they simply
want more.
or something else?

We get bored of doing the same
things over and over again.
We study for many a year so we
can get a descent job. And after about
5 years we are so sickened by our job
because we see someone else having a
better job.

What if death didn’t occur?
We would wish for death.

People search for purpose
in life. Is there any?

Purpose, life’s purpose is simply
what each and every individual
wants it to be. But in most cases
it’s to live and die happy.

- But to do that, there is so
Much we must do first. Like;
Keep up a healthy lifestyle,
get a well paid job, kids,
mate, family and mother in-law.

All these things could drive
one crazy no?

Sometimes I wish I could
Take a break from life and
do for a week or so.


Rest in peace?
Why rest in peace when
you are dead?

Why isn’t it live in peace?
is that even possible?
There is too much going
on to have peace in life.

So, whether its life or death.
Rest in peace, and thank you for reading.

So does your face!