318 - From Method to Madness 318 - From Method to Madness

Höfundar: Mike Barker og Matt Weitzman

Leikstjóri: Bert Ring

Gestaraddir: Chris Cox, Fred Willard, Mark Paredes, Denis Martell, Rachael MacFarlane, Jane Lynch, Ralph Garman

Um þáttinn:
Þegar Brian fer í áheyrnarpróf fyrir leikrit, Stewie er uppgvötaður og gengur í leiklistarskólann fyrir börn. Peter bjargar manni út sjónum og uppgvötar að hann er nektaristi.

- Í bandarísku sjónvarpi var viðvörun um nekt í fyrsta atriðinu.

Skemmtileg “Quotes”:
Olivia: You are the weakest link, goodbye.“ (laughter)
Stewie: Ha ha ha! Oh gosh that's funny! That's really funny! Do you write your own material? Do you? Because that is so fresh. You are the weakest link goodbye. You know, I've, I've never heard anyone make that joke before. Hmm. You're the first. I've never heard anyone reference, reference that outside the program before. Because that's what she says on the show right? Isn't it? You are the weakest link goodbye. And, and yet you've taken that and used it out of context to insult me in this everyday situation. God what a clever, smart girl you must be, to come up with a joke like that all by yourself. That's so fresh too. Any, any Titanic jokes you want to throw at me too as long as we're hitting these phenomena at the height of their popularity. God you're so funny!”