Jæja næst á döfinni í simpson heiminum er að 13 serían er að fara að byrja….
Hún byrjar í ameríku á fimmtudaginn (minnir mig) og er aðeins búið að staðfesta 4 þætti síðast þegar ég vissi.
Þeir eru:

Hunka Hunka Burns In Love (CABF18)
Homer's new job as the author of fortune cookies assures Mr. Burns that love is on the horizon. But when his date with a roach coach short-order cook infringes upon Snake's own aspirations, Homer and Burns become hostages.

Treehouse Of Horror XII (CABF19)
House Of Whacks - Homer and Marge have problems with a computer that takes over the house.
Curse Of The Dummy - Homer in jinxed with the “touch of death”.
Wiz Kids - The kids take part in a tale of wizardry.

Homer the Moe (CABF20)
Moe, yearning to visit his old bartending school, leaves Homer in charge of Moes Tavern. When Moe returns, he gives the bar total facelift. Homer, not impressed, makes his own tavern out of his garage.

The Blunder Years (CABF21)
A hypnotist accidentally releases a childhood trauma within Homer. Flashback sequences of Homer, Carl, Lenny, & Moe when they were about 12 years old reveal a 25 year-old mystery that was never solved,…the murder of Ernest K. Smithers.

The Parent Rap (CABF22)
After joy riding in Wiggums' patrol car, Bart appears in court. When Judge Snyder is about to let Bart off, a new judge takes over and sentences Bart to be tethered to Homer at all times. However, they break free. They are soon caught and now the whole family must wear stockades (the wooden things they have at fairs to throw sponges at people with).

(tekið af http://simpsonsclub.topcities.com/)
og er fyrsti þátturinn sem sýndur verður halloween specialið.
ég var að downloada honum áðan og mér finnst hann bara nokkuð skemmtilegur… homer heldur áfram sinni skemmtilegu heimsku.

þetta voru bara svona smá upplýsingar um nýjustu þættina.