Það er nú það að það stendur ekki í hverjum þætti hvað hann heitir. Ég hef nú tekið saman lista yfir alla þættina sem hafa verið sýndir og birti hann hér. Það getur verið gott fyrir þá sem eru rétt byrjaðir á að horfa á South Park og eru sammála mér að hann rúli. Let's see the list…
101 - Cartman get's an anal probe
102 - Weight gain 4000
103 - Volcano
104 - Big Gay Al's Big Gay boat ride
105 - An elephant makes love to a pig (Matt og Trey vildu kalla hann An elephant fucks a pig en Comedycentral bönnuðu það)
106 - Death
107 - Pinkeye
108 - Damien
109 - Starvin' Marvin'
110 - Mr Hankey the christmas poo
111 - Tom's Rhinoplasty
112 - Mecha Streisand
113 - Cartman's mom is a dirty slut
201 - Not without my anus
202 - Cartman's mom is still a dirty slut
203 - Chicken Lover
204 - Ike's wee wee
205 - Conjoined fetus lady
206 - The mexican staring frog of Sri Lanka
207 - City on the edge forever (flashback þáttur)
208 - Summer sucks
209 - Chef's salty chocolate balls
210 - Chicken pox
211 - Roger Ebert should lay off the fatty food
212 - Clubhouses
213 - Cow Days
214 - Chef Aid
215 - Spooky Fish
216 - Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!
217 - Gnomes
218 - Prehistoric Ice man
301 - Rainforest Schmainforest
302 - Spontaneous Combustion
303 - Chef's mama
304 - Tweek vs. Craig
305 - Jakovasaurs
306 - Sexual Harrasment Panda
307 - Cat orgy
308 - Two guys in a hot tub
309 - Jewbilee
310 - ChinPoko Mon
311 - Starvin' Marvin' in space
312 - Korn's groovy pirate ghost mystery
313 - Hooked on Monkey Fonics
314 - The red badge of gayness
315 - Mr Hankey's Christmas Classic
316 - Are you there God, it's me Jesus
317 - Worldwide recorder consert
401 - Cartman's silly hate crime 2000
402 - The tooth fairy's tats 2000
403 - Quintuplets 2000
404 - TIMMY! 2000
405 - Pip
406 - Cartman joins NAMBLA
407 - Cherokee hair tampons
408 - Chef goes nanners
409 - Something you can do with your finger
410 - Do handicapped go to hell?
411 - Probably
412 - 4th grade
413 - Trapper keeper
414 - Thanksgiving
415 - Fat camp
416 - Wacky Molestation adventure
417 - A very crappy christmas