Það virðist vera mjög vinsælt hér á Huga að halda því fram að frelsi sé aðeins til í hægri öfga hugsun og að allt sem sé til vinstri sé = ófrelsi eða forsjárhyggja.

Það er auðvitað kolrangt eins og allir sem þekkja vinstri stefnur ættu að vita.

Eftirfarandi er yfirlýsing frá Bandaríska sósíalistaflokkinum
sem skýrir hvað sósíalismi er.
Ég ætlaði að þýða þetta, en ég hef bara ekki tíma, svo ég treysti því að flestir lesendur séu eldri en 12 ára, þetta er allavegana ekkert mjög flókin enska :

What Socialists believe:

Let me tell you a little about our Socialist Party, which is fully Democratic & Libertarian because it is fully Socialist.

As Socialists, we believe:

Every individual possesses inherent rights that NO government can take away.
In the founding documents of the United States, we are told that all people are “created equal” and have the right to “life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.”

Real Socialism is all about rights.
Your right to basic necessities, such as food, shelter, clothing, education, and heathcare are as important as your right to free speech, assembly, belief, association, and privacy.

As socialists we believe in and fight for all these rights.
That's why socialists were among those who formed the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), as well as being active in the civil rights struggle.
The Socialist Party was among the few organizations to speak out against the internment of Japanese Americans into detention camps during WWII.
Socialism is all about FREEDOM.

Business should not be allowed to profit from human misery.
We believe that people should not produce personal profit from the misery and pain of their fellow man.
We are against for-profit medical and other insurance companies.
We advocate that these type of services be run as public trusts, democratically controlled and answerable to the public they serve.

We advocate the same for education (including college) and utilities that we all must use such as water, sewer, power, heating, and garbage.

By democratizing these social needs, and removing the profit motive, we will all benefit- and, in fact, we will all pay less.

We are also against business profiting from prison labor.
We are in dire need of prison reform in this country.
We lock up more of our people than any other country in the world.
Socialists believe that this is a symptom of inequities in our present system that must be addressed immediately.

Government should serve people, not the other way around.
Local government organization should be in direct control of the people who live in the community, and should be active in providing needed services to the population.
Federal Government should be weakened, turning most functions over to more local organizations.

Government at all levels should be stripped of all unjust authoritarian powers.

Workers should control the workplace democratically.
To this end we support unions.
We support worker-controlled cooperatives.

We support having the press controlled by independent journalists instead of corporations.

We support production for use.
We are against “planned obsolescence” in products and our garbage producing culture that is choking our environment.
We believe things should be built to last as well as packaged in an environmentaly friendly manner.

All people have the same rights regardless of Race, Creed, Ability, or Sexual Orientation.
The Socialist Party fights for the rights of all people, even those with whom we disagree, to meet, speak, and associate freely; and take part in all activities that are open to all people. We only ask the same in return.
So, That's Socialism.
We believe that an individual can only truly be free when all individuals are free.