Alright, Þetta er mín fyrsta saga sem ég geri, þessi saga er um Vampíru sem er um 50 ára núna en varð að vampíru 19 ára.

Endilega segið hvað ykkur finst. Ér að gera annan kafla sem verður kanski póstaður seinna ef fólk finst þessi saga skemmtileg. Þessi hluti er mest allt um byrjun hans og verður því ekkert mikið af morði, en ef fólk líkar vel við hana þá pósta ég seinna hina kaflana.

Kaley lived in a town not far from the Nameless Village. His father and mother died when he was 16, so he had to take care of his Sister who was only 14 years old. He had everything; a loving girlfriend, a sister that he cared for.
Kaley was learning the ways of the wizard and proved to be adept at learning. Soon, at the age of 19, he found company in a man named Kain. Kain was very nice to Kaley and soon he became Kaley's best friend (Though Kain only wanted one thing from Kaley).
One night when Kaley went to see Kain, he saw the man standing alone in the dark, and Kaley walked slowly towards him. As he got closer he saw that Kain held a woman in his arms. The woman’s eyes shown with terror and death. Kaley stood there with his mouth open, “ Is she…?”
Kain nodded.

“Who did this? Who could do something like that?”

Kain turned his head to Kaley with blood on his lips.

Kaley took one step back, “ What did you do!? HOW COULD YOU!”

“I needed to feed, she gave in so easily,” Kain smiled.

Kaley stood there thinking, he knew what Kain was, what school had warned him about, “Hey! You’re a…..a…a Vampire, are you not?”

He slowly took another step away. Kain stood up, “ Indeed I am, but now, I’m afraid, you know too much.”

Kain jumped and grabbed Kaley and bit his neck. Kaley wanted to scream, wanted to break free, but he felt his strength leave him; he was getting weaker and weaker until he fell to the ground almost dead. Kain stopped, “ Kaley you have been nice to me, now it is time for me to return the favor.”

Kain bit his own wrist and made blood drip on Kaley's lips. “Drink this, my son,”Kain told him; Kaley drank and suddenly he felt like he was dying; the pain he felt made him scream. Kain stood there smiling. Then, as fast as it started, the pain just stopped. Kaley felt his strength grow again and he turned his head to Kain.
“Welcome to the new world, my son,” Kain helped Kaley up. “What….what have you done to me?” Kaley was hoping it would not be true.
“You are like me. A Nightwalker; one of the superior.”
Kaley stood there not moving.

The night passed, Kaley never came home. The guards looked, but never found him. Two days later, they came to Kaley's sister and girlfriend and told them that Kaley was nowhere to be found and that he must be dead. The two started to cry and cried for days.
Weeks passed, until Kaley’s sister had her birthday (She was then 17) but on that day she couldn't be happy because this would be the first birthday that Kaley would not be around. As she was going to bed a man rushed in from the window; a man entirely in black, with his hair over his face. She started to scream, but the man looked at her and as he did she stopped. Even though she wanted to scream more she couldn’t – it was like a spell had been cast upon her. Her pain and fear turned to joy, as the man flipped his hair back.

“KALEY! It is you!” She ran to him and hugged him, his skin ice cold.
“You’re ice cold, are you all right?”

Kaley just looked at her.

“Happy Birthday Sis,” he smiled and as he did so his fangs could be seen.
“Kaley, What is going on?” She saw his fangs and her joy turned to fear again.
Kaley grabbeds her neck and smiles, “I'm a nightwalker…or what was it you mortals called us… a vampire.”

She started to cry.
“Stop it! Or I will break your neck…Now tell me! where is she! where is my dear Elisa(His Girlfriend’s name)”.

His sister said nothing; just continued crying.

“AHHH! STOP IT NOW!” in his anger he crushed her neck, breaking it. The crying stops and she stops moving. Kaley stood there, and let go. Her body fell to the ground, a bone coming out of her neck. “W…w…what have I done.”

He fell to his knees crying.


Kaley's girlfriend was all alone that night, staring blankly at the fire, always looking to her side. As she turned her head to the side, she saw Kaley standing there in the doorway and she looks down telling herself, “He is dead, you must stop thinking about him,” and started to cry.

Kaley walked to her slowly, “My dear, I have returned, and now we can be together for all Eternity”. She looked up in shock. Kaley picked her up, “ Do not fear, soon we will be together forever.” and he bit her. She started to move, tried to break free; tried to push him, but she felt herself growing weaker and soon she stopped moving. Kaley looked at her as he bit his wrist and fed her blood from his wrist.
Kaley and Elisa spent many years together. But, she didn't like to feed from the Mortals, and tried to hide it from him. However, she could stand it for only so long, and one day, she woke up before he’d arisen, took what she owned and kissed his forehead, and parted, leaving him a single red rose. When he woke up the first thing he saw was the rose, which he keeps to this very day, letting no one near it. Inside, he knew she was gone, but he continued to tell himself that she would come back. Days turned to weeks and weeks into years. He tried to convince himself that she would come back one day. Until one day he left. Left to his Sire, Kain. Kain was last heard to be living in a small village called the “ Nameless Village”. He’d told Kaley about a Vampire Lord that was in Control over the Village, named Lord Vladimir.
When he arrived, Kaley got some of the local peasantry to help him move his belongings. When they finished, they approached, demanding, “ Where is our gold! We want it now!” Kaley turned his head to them, “ Ah…yes…your payment.” With that, he advanced and killed them: as one found his head crushed between the vampire’s hands, another tried to take up his daggers only to scream in pain as the Finger of Death fell on him – the last found himself watching his comrades die, paralyzed by a Hold Monster spell, and his final thoughts were of horror as Kaley sank his fangs into his neck and drained him close to death, then leaving him to die in slow agony …
Kaley walked through the gates of the Nameless Village.