Þetta er frásögn af mjög sýrðu (en skemmtilegu) ævintýri sem við spiluðum nýlega… það ætti kannski að taka fram að DMinn hefur ekki mikla reynslu og við vorum flest frekar þreytt ;)
Karl er minn character… I'll let him describe himself ;)

Day 135 of my “mission”

Today started out quite nicely, a bit rainy but warm.
I was well on my way of “aquiering” enough money for the Daletown orphanage when the damn thiefsguilt cought up with me.
-Stubit stubit rules of thiefing-
Well, I was a bit “occupied” with a gentle mans purse to notice them at first but lucky for me they mistook me for a child. Much like humans to think that. Just becouse I'm barely 3 feet tall and have long curly black hair, clean shaven and oh-so big green eyes. well I just have one word for them “size-ism”. Though I don't deny the usefullness of it. well back to those big brutes. they surround me and start tellin' me ‘bout all their laws. sumthng ’bout “no thieving with out permission” ‘nd “percentage of made money”. Well I tell ’em real politely that it ain't for me but for those poor orphans, but ‘course the don’t believe me. those selfish humans never quite get the point on charity. So i was forced to despered messures. I found an opening between the big one's legs and ran for it.
'course they came right after me but lucky me my loyal Kirsa was waitin' just outside the alley. we rode like hallhound were after us til next town, dun't even know it's name.

well I'm off to bed

Day 136 of “my mission”

Morning: well aint it shitty. there aint no work to be had in this scrowny little thing they call town. unbeliavable enough they have an “un-employment” house here… really just a pub where lonely adventurers meet but hey, they always have more gold than what's good for them an' orphanes are everywhere to find. Mayby I'll build a house for ‘em my self.

late in the night: well this pub was interesting enough. I spotted this fine lookin’ elf woman, all jewels an' fancy clothing. I figured mayhabs she would be interested in donating. Elfs are always into helpin' others. but before I could ask this fat, redhaires, sweaty human comes walzin' in an bellowing ‘bout a well paid job. well I was just gonna go an’ tell him it aint polite to shout like that… and ask how much it was worht but I didn't even have a chance at that ‘couse he just blurred out that i was hired. well, fair enough… as long as there ain’t not dishonesty and innocent-killin'. An' what-da-ya-know a big burly human with an axe come forward, flexes his muscles an' he's hired. an' then the fine elflady and a sexy human female in some tight lookin' clothes are hired too. they both smell like spell-flashers to me but that can be useful. The fat-guy says that's it an' every one starts turnin' away… ‘xept a fairy-lookin’ human who put's up this real dissapointin' look. well, the fatso has more heart then wits, so he said the guy could come too. me an' big burly got shivers: the human had long blond hair wich he had a flower in an'… an' -oh the horror- a pink headband!
well anough' the fatso blurred out an adress an' said we where to go there.. ‘couse we wanted to know now what the job was but no he couldn’t tell us. I almost turned away.. if id hadn't been for the elf an human ladys ;)

Day 137 of “my mission”

well we arrived at this real sweet town last night an' today we meet up with Mr. Fatso… think his name's Matthew.
I've discovered mr. fancy hair is not so smart, although he claims his name be Van Der Smart. Mayby he'll donate to my orphanage :)
The fancy elf lady is real good looking and nice smelling but she won't share her wine with me. think she doesn't like me but her loss! Her name's Elona, nice name. wonder if her fiddle got a name too?
the sexy human is Serena. Talks alot ‘bout saving princesses in between staring at Elona… mayby she’s jelous of Elona's outfit?
Burly guy is OK.
Matthew said we were to go to mountain and get his grandfather's treasure. I almost convinced him to leave 90% of treasure to orphanage but then Ms. Sexy and Elf lady hd to ruin it. seems they don't believe in my mission.
He sais he's gonna use the monay to buy of some kingdom to not attack them. well seems a nice place this town, maybe I'll build a house here for the kids.

Day 138 of “my mission”

we went to this mountain and found the cave well enough. we were told many had tried this before so we were real carefull.
Turns out the elf lady doesn't trust me, she had all her jewlery kept in town in “safe place”

Day 139 of “my mission”

we slept outside the cave after I scouted it a bit and made sure there wasn't anythin' deadly close.
when we woke up we headed down. after a long long walk we came to a glass room - smells like spell-flashers to me - with three doors. Each door had a sign and in the middle of the floor were three diffrent signs. After solving the riddle of the first room and slaying a poor family of elementals in the next (NOT my idea.. filthy Serena threatened the water-kids) and at last we slayed a crystaline lizard. in each room we found a piece to match the signs on the floor and we put them in. Nothing happened!
filthy smell-flaffeers. I'm goin' to sleep.

day 140 of “my mission”

when we woke up and wen't back into cave we discovered the three doors gone an' just one big door left. it seemed simple enough. just disable the drap and open the lock. uh. I think i triggered the trap or sumthng ‘couse I think the lock started to speak… the horror
-damn those fluffs-casters! messing with a nice lock like that-
well i desided i must “cought* fetch *cough* sumthng under the fagon. after a while the fancy elf lady came and told me it ws OK. she had just sung for the lock and it opened. I pretended not to hear and ran through the door.
What waited us was a maze. we encoutered some obstacles and frustration until miss baby-killer decided to talk to the lock. Of course that’s just daft so I just reorganized my potions meanwhile.
well sure enough we wound the right way, although there were big scary yellow eyes following us. finally we came to the treasure wault. it was stacked to the roof! oh, how many youngsters I could make happy with this wealth! I started writing down and catalogging… after all I just said Matthew was to gett 700 gp… since the total amount could only be 1000 since stories said 100.000,… well enough about that. all of a sudden burly guy starts talking to some one. a dragon!
-well, he saw barely 2 feet tall but a dragon none the less!-
he said he was the guardian but after a bit of talking to he agreed to let us take it all… after all he wanted to see the world!
-don't see why not-
my companions didn't like my suggestions about donating all to orphans. seflish humans!

Day 141 of ”my mission“

we came to Matthew with *all* of the treassure. he decided we could have ”some“ of the items and a ”small“ amount of gold. for me share I could easily start 5 orphanages so I'm glad :)

Day 142 of ”my mission“

after staying one night at Matthew's we decided to find a spell-fusher to help lady elf to enchant her violin.
-Nice enough lady-
ahead of us lies 1 month of travel so plenty of time to taste Elonna's elven wine ;)


p.s. margar af ”stafsetninga“ villunum voru gerðar viljandi! því hann skrifar svona
ef þið viljið vita meira um characterana þá voru þeir á 7 lvl (3 ed) og var…
…Karl halfling thief, mjög snöggur en frekar aumur.
…”big burly" human fighter sterkur en ekkert sérstaklega þíður í skapinu.
…Van der Smart human ranger, umm… pínu snöggur samt ekkert rosalega, fínn náungi en ekkert bestur… frekar tregur líka
…Elona elven bard falleg, hæfileikarík, snögg… ahh the perfection
…Serena human sorcerer falleg, hæfileikarík en ekkert sérstaklega vitur<br><br>kv.