Wilhelm Rotherwood is the youngest son of the legendary Dragonslayer Leonard Rotherwood who is perhaps most famous for for convincing a Red dragon named Kal-Tyr to join with him in the fight against evil (note: its is rare to find a chromatic dragon of other alignments than evil but not unheard of, just as rare is the opposite, a metalic dragon of evil alignment) Wilhelm's older brothers have all made a name for them selves as accomplished warriors, none however have had it in them to become a paladin, Wilhelm on the other hand has from an early age been determined to become one. His father thrilled that at least one of his sons decided to keep up the family tradition trained Wilhelm in the ways of the paladin with a firm hand, perhaps at times too firmly. Wilhelm grew up to be a formidable fighter with a stout heart and a strong arm. At the age of 10 Leonard sent his son to study with his knightly order The Knighthood Of The Red Dragon he spent 5 years in their mountain fortress training hard. Upon returning home he found his fathers castle ablaze obviously from dragon attack, blind with fury he rode into the courtyard to find his Father fighting a losing battle with his longtime companion Kal-tyr (unbeknowst to Wilhelm or his father, kal-Tyr's brethren furious of his betrayal, had tricked him with a message of his lair's magical wards being broken and his mate and hatchlings killed, however when Kal-Tyr arrived at his lair he was attacked and restrained, and then his brethren cast the a Geas spell upon him to slay Leonard and all his kin) Wilhelm put down his lance and charged the mighty dragon, Kal-Tyr turned and Wilhelm almost thought he saw a tear in his eye when he swung his tail and slammed Wilhelm and his steed into the castle wall, Wilhelm could feel his arm breaking and then he was on the ground and saw Kal-Tyr tear his father's chest open, Kal-Tyr who had played with him when he was little, shared his wisdom with a little boy full of questions and now had killed his dear father. Wilhelm's eys clouded over the world turned red and he forgot the pain in his arm and ran towards the dragon, seeing his father's sword on the ground and grabbing it raised it high in a futile attemp to fend of the beast, somehow he managed to slash Kal-Tyrs leg inflicting a slight wound that seemed to shake the Geas spell off him, Kal-Tyr looked around him seeing the carnage he had wrought, his old friend Leonard lying there dead by his claws and his sons Reichard, Ulrich and young Wilhelm all dead but wait Wilhelms hand stirred perhaps there was a chance to redeem himself Kal-Tyr thought of his dead mate and offspring thought of his dead friend an began casting one of his most powerful spells one that had not been used in centuries, it would bind his spirit or part of it at least to a material object, it seemed only fitting that Leonards sword would be that object. When he completed the chanting he threw himself down on the sword severing his jugular vein and ending the mighty dragon's life. Kal-Tyr was pleased to see that it had worked his essence combined with the sword and bound to Wilhelm in the process was keeping the boy alive and Kal-Tyr knew that it would keep doing so and growing in power as the boy grew in power. Kal-Tyr's spirit said one last goodbye to his friend and leapt into the air to take flight for the last time.

P.S þetta er í raun karakter lýsing en ekki saga, hún er á ensku vegna þess að sumir spilarararnir eru enskir, nennti ekki að þýða :D