Ég álpaðist inná einhverja síðu á netinu þar sem að hægt er að skrá sig í rpg í gegnum email. Halda mætti að þetta væri hægvirk og leiðinleg leið til þess að spila, en svo er ekki. Hópurinn sem að ég komst inn í er alveg gríðarlega góður, sérstaklega vegna þess hve fær GMinn er.

Þetta virkar þannig að GMinn sendir öllum mail um hvað er að gerast og svo svarar maður mailinu með því sem maður vill að sinn character geri. Hægt er að svara bara GMinum (ef um er að ræða hluti sem að hinir PC gætu ekki vitað af, t.d. hugsanir, pick pockets o.s.frv.). Greinilegar og augljósar gjörðir s.s. að tala eða gera eitthvað sýnilegt sendir maður til allra PC.

Þetta hefur virkað alveg gífurlega vel þar sem að maður hefur svo mikinn tíma til þess að ákveða næsta move og verða samtölin sérstaklega skemmtileg og krydda leikinn til muna.

Maður verður að posta tvisvar í viku. Eftir að allir eru búnir að posta safnar GMinn öllum postunum saman og skrifar upp hvað gerist (GMinn kastar öllum teningum). Úr verður feikna skemmtileg saga, sem að allir eiga þátt í.

Ég ætla að pastea hérna einum kafla, með samþykki GMsins að sjálfsögðu, úr ævintýrinu. Ef að fólki líst vel á (og GMinn samþykkir) get ég pasteað fleiri köflum ásamt upplýsingum um hópinn og missionið sem við erum í.

Þetta er 9undi kafli, erum komnir núna á 25 kafla. Ég valdi combat kafla (því að ég veit að það er það sem fólk vill lesa).

Að lokum vill ég taka fram að minn character heitir Oktavianus og er dwarf, cleric.

PSG 9 - Battletrap

“ORCS!!!” bellowed Gulius incredibly “ATTACK!!!!!” Oktavianus called forth a blessing from his god as the trio of monsters descended upon Morray with gleeful curses. The lead orc crashed his spiked club into the half-elf sending her flailing backwards almost tripping over the canvas roll. As the orc prepared to smash her brains in with a cross-blow, a brilliant flash of blue energy crashed into the right side of its' head. With a yelp, it turned facing the western circlelight as the waiting StarPoint warriors burst onto the scene with cries of alarm.

Gulius let loose a throwing axe that glanced off the second orc's shoulder causing a nasty gash. It growled and raised its' club in surprised anger.
With the precious seconds needed to get her footing righted, Morray thrust her short sword deep into the chest of her attacker. The monster roared in pain as it collapsed forward upon the ground in a lifeless heap.
As the ranger and barbarian rushed towards the blaze to save the girl, seven more haughty orcs came charging into view from the north! Immediately, the Paladin snapped from his anxiety and led Gulius and Splendor onto the scene. Aggressively, the orcs swarmed in only to face the ranger's and barbarian's fierce swords. With one swipe apiece, two heads were cleaved cleanly from humanoid bodies as the onrushing enemy came. Splendor leapt forward and shouted a terse oath sending three orcs to the ground in sudden slumber. The remaining three orcs hesitated momentarily as the tide seemed to turn on them.

“RAGAAASSSHAA!!! blasphemed a monstrous orc from the background. He met the party with a defiant stare
” Kill them all!!!“

The party answered the oral threat with thrilling cries of attack for they knew that the beasts were leary and outnumbered. Another valiant swipe by Teflar felled his next opponent and he immediately searched the grounds ahead for the slumbering beasts he despised. Nerendil bullrushed his foe completely knocking the orc into the air and onto it's back.

Morray stood her ground as the monstrous orc, strangely different from the rest, bore down on her maliciously and unafraid of the losing results around it.
The barbarian received a solid glancing blow to his head making him grunt with annoyance.
Nerendil sought to bash his beast where it lay stunned on the earth, but it quickly rolled away searching for its' mishandled weapon. At that opportunity, the Paladin's morningstar came crashing down upon the enemy's skull ending its' last days of villainy. Gulius released a throwing axe at the great orc, but it sailed errantly behind as it marched forth. Aramil failed as well with his spell for the megaorc remained undaunted within the chaos.
The monster fended a quick blow by the daring rogue and swung fiercely at her head barely missing as she ducked. Again, Morray struck at her enemy as the cleric ran at them ready to save her from certain disaster. But it was too late; the orc overpowered the half-elf sending her to the ground with a well-placed slice to the mid-section from it's iron hatchet.
It roared in exhilaration and started to kick her towards the fire when Raef suddenly pounced from the eastern shadows. The distraction proved worthwhile for it alarmed the beast and it turned to face her.
”WHAM!!" A well-placed blow by Oktavianus's warhammer came crashing down upon the orc's back sending it stumbling forward tripping over the canvas tarp.

© Alan Frederick Hight

P.S. Og NEI, þetta er ekki stolið.