Þetta er ekki saga en nokkurs konar “players handbook” fyrir heiminn, basically rough guide að þjoðum heimsins og klössum. Þetta er hugsað sem hjálpargagn fyrir þá sem eru að búa sér til charactera í heiminum sem ég er að hanna, þá sérstaklega í fyrsta sinn.
Ég birti þetta eiginlega bara vegna fjölda áskoranna og vegna þess að svo lítið hefur gerst á áhugamálinu undanfarið. Þetta er ekki beint complete guide að heiminum en gefur smá hugmynd um hvernig race og klöss eru.


There are 11 great human nations in the world but several dozen city states and small baronies that are not mentioned here. Characters from these places do not receive any special modifiers as characters from one of the 11 great nations do. All humans receive one extra feat and 4 extra skill points at 1st lvl, regardless of their origin.

- Northmen
A divided nation consisting of several hundred tribes, each devoted to their totem animal. Among the better known, and larger, tribes are the Tribe of the Elk and the Tribe of the Crow. Some Tauriens live among the tribes and are regarded as some sort of protective spirits. The Northmen live in a harsh climate mainly by hunting and gathering. They are known for their resistance to cold as they live in a land where temperatures often go far below frost.
+1 to Constitution and 4/- cold resistance.
-1 to Intelligence and 4/- heat weakness.
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Shaman, Bard, Ranger.

- Mercians
A kingdom founded by the holy warrior Duval who drove away the barbaric hordes of the Northmen by the power of the Chalice of Battle given to him by the priestly order of Oa-Jei, the Old God. After the war the Chalice was lost and ever since the nation of Mercia has been searching for it but in recent years, with the Seperation Wars, Albiona, which was once part of Mercia, has also been searching for the Chalice themselves. As a nation of watchers the Mercians are known for their keen eyesight and survival skills but also their gullibility as they are always ready to follow whatever lead they find.
+2 to Spot and Wilderness lore.
-2 to Sense Motive and Bluff
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Ranger, Bard, Scholar, Holy Warrior.

- Albionans
A relatively new nation, born in the Seperation Wars of Mercia. The civil war led to the sister of the Mercian king to found the nation of Albiona. The nations hierarchy consist of seven knightly orders that bow only to the will of the Queen. Each Order is led by a Maiden of the Chalice. They are known for their superior cavalry and diplomatic skills. They believe in facing their problems head on, never shying.
+2 to Ride and Diplomacy.
-2 to Move Silently and Hide.
Available classes: Fighter, Holy Warrior, Bard, Ranger, Scholar.

- Midlanders
On the huge rolling plains of the Midlands the Midlander farmers make their homes and tend to their crops. The Midlands is a huge country consisting almost entirely of uneducated farmers who have lived there for all their lives and most of them have never even left there own shire.
+2 to Profession Farmer and Herbalist
They are not literate (to learn how to read they must expend 4 skill points to do so in a place where they can learn to read and write)
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Ranger, Shaman (only women), Bard.

- Meinarin
An old nation of Northmen who settled down in the Meinos region and survived by fishing. They are now one of the worlds most accomplished nation of sailors. Their stoic and exploring nature has led them to discover many wondrous things in the far east seas but hey know little of the ways of the land and its creatures. Although it has been very long since they separated themselves from the Northman tribes several aspects of their culture remains, for instance the sailors of Meinos still carry idols of their totems to protect them at sea.
+2 to Profession Sailor and Swim.
-2 to Wilderness Lore and Ride
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Bard, Shaman, Ranger, Scholar.

- Ilmarkans
Once a collection of several baronies that united to have strong influence on both the Eastern Sea and the Silver Sea. Now their navy is one of the largest in the Silver Sea but remains neutral in all wars so far. They have a pact with the city state of Fort Paenil to protect the waters surrounding the island. Their strange culture forbids art and song while celebrating exploration as they believe in looking to the future instead of looking to the past.
+2 to Profession Sailor and Intuit Direction
-2 to Perform and Knowledge History
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Ranger, Holy Warrior.

- Arethantians
Ruled by the two Merchant Guilds, Arethant is a nation of hagglers, traders and merchants. There is nothing an Arethantian likes more than haggling. Every single citizen works in either one of the Guilds and there is constant competition between them, so much competition in fact that members of opposite Guilds rarely speak to one another, at least not about Guild matters. While the competition is so fierce the Guilds still stick together for one reason, one Guild is composed only of men and the other of women. They must stay together for the Guilds to survive. All that matters to them is increasing profit.
+2 to Appraise, Bluff and Sense Motive.
-2 to Swim, Climb and Jump.
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Scholar, Ranger, Bard.

- Felonar
An Empire drive by the renowned Felonar thirst for knowledge and history. Felonian society has been dictated by their insatiable hunger for knowledge of all things, but most of all history. They celebrate scholars more than anything else, indeed the real power in the Empire is with the Council of Academics, the Emperor’s advising council, rather than in the throne itself. The Felonian libraries are more like temples than anything else, massive, ancient buildings with thousands upon thousands of archaic tomes regarding just about any subject. It is said that while an Arethantian would trade his own mother (which they occasionally have done), a Felonian would gladly give away his family for a book he has not read. Felonia has on more than one occasion had serious trouble with Ilmark, who believe in looking to the future and not the past and therefore ban all art and history, but it has never come to open war, yet, mainly because of the distances between the two countries. Felonian people on the other hand have no love for Ilmarkans and never pretend they do. Still, this pursuit of knowledge makes Felonians more often than not neglect things like physical training and makes them somewhat absentminded.
+2 to Knowledge History. They can also read and write the Old Tongue.
-2 to Jump and Spot.
Available classes: Scholar, Bard, Thief, Fighter, Holy Warrior.

- Senar
The Senar people, roughly translated as “the Free People”, were once a nation of slaves in ages long past. Any records of who their masters were are long gone though some speculate that it might have been a human nation somewhere in the Caldeni region or even one of the last Dwarf Kingdoms, but no one really knows. While the nation is not exactly the most technologically advanced in the known world they are an extremely resilient people who will do anything to preserve their freedom. Being as headstrong and resilient as they are has led them to being quite stubborn as to how to do things and as a result they don’t learn as quickly as others might do.
+2 to Will save
-1 to skill points per level.
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Ranger, Holy Warrior, Scholar, Bard.

- Camedan
The Camedan and the Cunene are really the same people and live in the same country but in different places in it. The Camedan live in the Great Cliffs north of the Cunene Jungle in cities carved and hewn into the very face of those cliffs. They have one city on the Naruga Plains, which is really more of a village, where they conduct trade with outsiders. They trade many healing plants from the Jungle edges and the Kusta wood which is the premium wood for building, and for weapons. They do not on the other hand have a very good sense for what these goods are really worth.
+2 to Climb and Use Rope
-2 to Appraise and Sense Motive
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Ranger, Shaman, Bard.

- Cunene
The Cunene, brethren of the Camedan, rarely leave their jungle for any reason. When they have left it has been to aid the Camedan or to go on a Hunt. Not many people know what it is they search for but some believe them to be searching for an ancestor of the ancient hero Natrajk, whom most people consider a fairy tale. Living in the darkness of the Jungle has given the Cunene extraordinary talents but outside the Jungle they are somewhat lost.
+2 to Climb, Survival (Wilderness Lore), Spot and Listen.
-2 to Appraise, Sense Motive, Diplomacy and Knowledge Geography.
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Shaman, Bard, Holy Warrior.
Tauriens is a race of beast men. Men mixed with animals. Almost any combination exists, everything from a horse (Centaur) to a bull (Minotaur) to a lizard to a crow. Just about anything is possible. If a player desires to make a Taurien character then it must be done in concordance with the DM to make sure everything suits his style of DM-ing. All Tauriens receive certain bonuses and flaws but some might have more. Such as a Snake Taurien could have a poisonous bite or be more dexterous while he loses charisma, or something like that. The main thing is that it must be balanced.
Tauriens have suffered severe discrimination over the years (several thousand in fact) and sometimes even been hunted down for being demonic beings (which they are not). As a result Tauriens have become hardier than most other races. But the fear of Tauriens is not without cause because just as every Taurien is partially animal in body they are in the mind as well. The beast inside every Taurien is simply dormant waiting to wake up and take over, this happens only occasionally but when it does it is something to be feared. Having spent such a long time in hiding in dark places where they cannot be seen has allowed them to develop the ability to see better in the dark.
+2 to Con
-2 to Charisma
Low-light vision
Wild Rage:
When a Taurien drops to 10% or less of his hit points the animal instinct within takes over, trying to get him to safety. Adrenaline shoots through the body and gives the Taurien +4 to Str and +2 to Con but also -4 to Int and -2 to Cha for as long as the rage lasts. The rage lasts for 1 round for each plus in Con modifier, for example a Taurien with 16 Con rages for 3 rounds. When the rage is over the Taurien is severely fatigued and disoriented and receives -4 to Con and -2 to Int for 10 rounds.
Available classes: All

Ornians, Birdmen, are simply winged men. They are not Tauriens but simply men who can fly. They are an ancient nation that wanders the world constantly, never stopping in any one place for longer than one season. They travel in Flocks, tribes of 50-60 individuals. The have tanned complexions (Arabian) and black hair (always) and either white or light grey wings. On the rare occasion that a child is born to them with black wings they are left by the Flock to die. Occasionally such children have been saved by people who happen upon them. No one but the Ornians knows why they do this and they never tell. They are a very secretive people and stick together almost always. If an Ornian leaves his or her Flock it is because they have either been banished or been sent by the Flock Elder to do something, but these things rarely happen.
+2 to Dex & Wis
-2 to Int & Str
Flight (60 feet per round, very good manoeuvrability)
Available classes: All

These short and stocky people are probably the toughest, most stubborn beings in this world. They are a sundered nation. The last Dwarven Kingdom fell thousands of years ago and ever since dwarves have made their living as mercenaries or craftsmen. Some small Dwarf communities exist but they have no country of their own. Their temperamental nature and natural constitution makes them dangerous foes and not to be trifled with. A dwarf can go without water for almost a week whereas a human could only survive for 3-4 days; this sort of stamina allows them to pursue their target for long without needing to stop for rest or nourishment. They are relentless warriors preferring hammers and axes to other weaponry. They can withstand punishment that would fell most humans quickly but their short stocky bodies prevent them from becoming very agile, not to say that they are clumsy but not very agile. In times long past the dwarves were great miners (and still are) and they retain their ability to , as they say it, “smell gold”, that is, they have a great ability to sense the value of any ore or precious object.
+2 to Con
-2 to Dex
+4 to Appraise
-4 to Concentration
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Scholar, Holy Warrior, Ranger.


- Coast elves
The Coast elves are probably the technologically advanced race in the world, especially renowned for their amazing shipbuilding capabilities. They were driven from the continent thousands of years ago due to wars with the immensely numerous but primitive human cultures of that time and were forced to spend several hundreds of years in their giant island ships wandering the ocean, looking for a new home. Eventually they came upon an island that was already populated by Forest elves. They settled down on the coast and built their cities and technological wonders. The Coast elves are incredibly intelligent and graceful but with their abilities comes pride and haughtiness. Their slim bodies cannot endure much and they are not strong but their grace more than makes up for these physical incapabilities. The Coast elves are hailed by all as the greatest seafaring nation of the world.
+2 to Int & Dex
-2 to Con & Str
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Bard, Ranger, Scholar, Holy Warrior.

- Forest elves
The Forest elves have lived on the Island of Nu’Thalendia since the beginning of time, or so they say. They call themselves the Dao-Djeng, roughly translated as Keepers of the Dragon. They are a rather primitive people mostly due to their religion which revolves around the Tree-That-Talks, an ancient tree that supposedly speaks to the Forest Elf Elders and tells them what may lie in the future. When the Dao-Djeng first met the Coast elves they believed them to be elves that had lost their way from the forest and still believe so. They are a warlike, primitive people in many aspects but their grace and insight makes them excellent weapon smiths and formidable warriors. They protect themselves with tattoos of runes given to them by the Tree-That-Talks and inscribe similar runes on their weapons. They live in the Forest of the High Plains in Nu’Thalendia but sometimes leave their ancestral homeland to go explore as they are a rather inquisitive people.
+4 to Dex & +2 to Wis
-2 to Con & Int
Illiterate (same as Midlanders), - 2 to Ride, Knowledge Geography and Diplomacy.
Available classes: Fighter, Thief, Bard, Shaman, Ranger, Holy Warrior.


- Bard
A teller of tales and a singer of epics. A bard memorizes songs and stories about various heroes and great deeds and wars to entertain people, but he is not a mere entertainer. He is also a capable thief and a passable warrior, but the bard’s greatest power lies in his songs. He can invoke certain emotions and even hypnotize people with his song or instrument.

- Scholar
A browser of books and a historian. A scholar devotes his life to learning. Usually scholars choose an area of expertise and spend almost their every waking moment studying it. They know many things and are skilled in many various ways. But with studying ancient tomes comes ancient power for Scholars are able to summon spirits of the past, ghosts of times long gone.

- Shaman
A spiritual leader and a healer. A shaman usually stays with his tribe to provide them with healing and guidance but when they do leave, be it for spiritual enlightenment or merely curiosity they are far from helpless. Formidable warriors and skilled in the ways of nature and healing. They, like the scholar, can summon spirits, but not of the past but of the nature, of the stones, rivers, trees and animals.

- Fighter
A swordsman and a warrior. A fighter can be found almost anywhere and in many varied forms. They can choose a favored weapon and train to become master of their chosen martial art or simply train and hone their bodies for combat in whatever form it may present itself. Well armed and armoured, a well trained fighter can dispatch most mortal foes with ease.

- Thief
A procurer of products and keen on giving himself a five finger discount, a thief can be found in any city or town. Anywhere money can be found, a thief is close by. A thief prides himself in being able to get anywhere at anytime, almost always without being seen. The best thief has never been seen or heard of. A thief is not a very strong warrior, although he can defend himself, but to make of for this he studies the weak spots of his opponent and strikes them, leaving them incapacitated.

- Ranger
A warrior of the wild and a stoic survivor, the ranger leads his life amongst the animals and wilderness. A ranger can spend most of his life without ever needing to enter settlements and they often do just that. A ranger has extraordinary skills of survival and en empathy for nature, but living in the wilds is not without danger and therefore a ranger is a formidable warrior, almost as capable as a fighter. He prefers to wear light armor to keep manoeuvrability and speed.

- Holy Warrior
A knight of the testaments and a protector of the weak, a holy warrior devotes his life to help others and protect them from injustice. He has great skill in healing as well as the ability to inspire those around him to greatness. He is a formidable warrior preferring heavy armor to provide protection while he tends to those in need of help.

- Speaker
A conjurer and speaker of arcane spells, a speaker is a rare creature but can be found in any place really. Most people who have the ability do not even know it and never find out but those that do either keep to themselves or suffer great discrimination on the hands of those around him. A speaker is no warrior but he can use the ancient Words of Creation to bend reality to his will. This ability is very limited but given time and training a speaker can reach heights of power unrivalled by any other being.

Ef þið viljið (og hafið nennt að lesa þetta) þá er kannski ekki ósniðugt að búa bara til character :) Bara uppá grínið, væri gaman að sjá hvaða þjóðum fólk dregst að og svoleiðis (þá ekki síst Varg)

Eftirfarandi er stuttur teksti sem er ekki ósniðugt að hafa sér til stuðnings þegar verið er að gera character, að sjálfsögðu má bæta við en þetta er einungis til þess gert að fólk pæli í aðeins meira en bara statistics á character og búi til persónur, það er ekki hægt að neyða neinn til slíks en það má ýta þeim í rétta átt.

“Nú er bara að pæla í hvaða race og class þú vilt að characterinn þinn sé og byrja að setja eitthvað saman. Helst skrifa einhverskonar bakgrunn fyrir characterinn. Á hann/hún fjölskyldu? Af hverju er hann/hún ranger t.d? Hvaða ástæðu hefur hann/hún fyrir því að ferðast? Þekkjast characterarnir?

Þið megið basically ráða stöttum ef þið viljið en megið líka rolla fyrir framan mig ef þið viljið það frekar en ef þið ákveðið þá bara þá vil ég að þeir séu raunsæir og ekki einhverjir ubermunchkin stattar. Gott viðmið er kannski 2 góðir, 1 fyrir ofan meðallag, 2 meðallag og einn 1 fyrir neðan meðallag (td. 18, 16, 14, 10, 11, 8) eða eitthvað… en ef þið viljið öðruvísi statta allt í lagi, verðið bara að geta útskýrt af hverju þeir eru eins og þeir eru. Ekki fleiri en ein 18. Þannig er characterinn án efa óvenjuleg “manneskja” og fær um margt sem fæstir geta, semsagt hetju efni :)
(ég leyfi þetta oft og geri ráð fyrir að playerar nýti sér þetta ekki um of og powerplay-i en svona verða þeir sáttir við stattana osfrv.)

“I'm not young enough to know everything”