Diskurinn væntanlegur! Jæja þá kemur að því, sem að ég hef alla vega beðið eftir, að geisladiskurinn kemur út með lögunum úr Once More With Feeling! Þetta er í fyrsta sinn sem að Mutant Enemy Records gefa út disk.

Josh Wheadon sagði “This is the first album for Mutant Enemy Records, my first soundtrack and my first musical. I couldn't be more excited about it,” “It's about five dreams come true. It represents the hardest work I've ever done and more importantly, fully embodies my constant motto: surround yourself with talent and you can get away with having a lot less. No, no excuses: I'm proud of this work. I'm glad people will get a chance to hear it.”

Þátturinn sjálfur fékk eins og allir vita frábæra dóma, og þykja lögin öll vera mjög grípandi og skemmtileg!

Samkvæmt þeim síðum sem að ég hef farið inn á, þá ber þeim ekki alveg saman um það hve mörg lög eru á disknum! Þeir á www.rounder.com segja að lögin séu 23 talsins!
Track Title Time
1 Overture / Going Through the Motions 02:57
2 I've Got a Theory / Bunnies / If We're Together 02:22
3 The Mustard 00:18
4 Under Your Spell 02:55
5 I'll Never Tell 04:01
6 The Parking Ticket 00:45
7 Rest in Peace 02:46
8 Dawn's Lament 01:19
9 Dawn's Ballet 01:12
10 What You Feel 03:01
11 Standing 02:10
12 Under Your Spell / Standing - reprise 01:35
13 Walk Through the Fire 03:44
14 Something to Sing About 04:40
15 What You Feel - reprise 00:46
16 Where Do We Go From Here? 01:53
17 Coda 00:40
18 End Credits (Broom Dance / Grr Argh) 00:31
19 Main Title 00:26
20 Suite from “Restless” 05:02
21 Suite from “Hush” 06:54
22 Sacrifice (from “The Gift”) 02:55
23 Something to Sing About (demo) 04:27

En síðan á Amazon.com segja þeir að lögin séu einungis 19!
1. Main Title
2. Overture/Going Through the Motions
3. I've Got a Theory/Bunnies/If We're Together
4. The Mustard
5. Under Your Spell
6. I'll Never Tell
7. The Parking Ticket
8. Rest In Peace
9. Dawn's Lament
10. Dawn's Ballet
11. What You Feel
12. Standing
13. Under Your Spell / Standing (Reprise)
14. Walk Through the Fire
15. Something to Sing About
16. What You Feel (Reprise)
17. Where Do We Go From Here?
18. Coda
19. End Credits (Broom Dance/Grr Argh)

En alla vega sama hvort að þau verða 19 eða 23 - þá er það næsta víst að ég mun bæta þessum grip í geisladiskasafnið mitt :) hvað með ykkur?

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