You: omg
You: there are two mad vampires going to attack you!
Stranger: good :) bring it on
You: they are going to suck all of your blood
Stranger: great. if their anything like edward from twilight i'll get rid of them no problem ;)
You: call Van Helsing!
Stranger: i will do that. i dont seem to have his number handy though
You: damn it
You: by the way do you remember the weakness of vampires?
Stranger: sunlight?
You: well there aren't any here
You: it is already dark
Stranger: oh dear. i'll just have to get my garlic ready instead
You: ok do your best
You: I can't
You: the window is closed and locked
Stranger: what about the door?!
You: umm…. The vampire is standing in the way so how can I past the door without getting seen by the vampire?
Stranger: do you have your invisibility cloak nearby?
You: nope it's in Hogwarts
Stranger: damn! you may have to take on the vampire yourself.
You: I only have an iPod and a Dannish textbook.
You: so how can I get rid of the vampire?
Stranger: do you have any van helsing on your iPod? it may scare it away. if that fails, just hit him with the textbook
You: I have church bell song… I hope that works
Stranger: you're going to have to try. be brave my friend
You: I have already put the headphones into the vampire's ears and turned on the music
Stranger: don't get bitten! i cant lose you!
You: and what should I do with the textbook
You: I know, I should put it into the vampire's mouth
Stranger: good plan!
You: Indeed it is
You: now I need to get hell out of here
Stranger: run like the wind!
You: I have better idea
You: use the motorcykle that the vampire came on
Stranger: i thought vampires could turn into bats?
You: this one wanted to be cool and make the girls fall for them
Stranger: did he try to act like edward? without realising that edward is a douchebag?
You: he did more act like Chuck Norris
Stranger: chuck norris is god.
You: by the way I think the vampire is dead now
Stranger: good, we must rid the world of them
You: or just heavily pissed off because of the textbook
You: ok the motorcykle ran out of gas I could get like 50 miles away from my house right now
Stranger: i must leave you now! don't stop the struggle between us and them :D
You: ok
You: I'm posting this on an Omegle thread
Stranger: okay :D
You: hopefully you see that thread
Stranger: i hope i do :)
at first I was like nyeh, and then i was like wweh, okei bæ