Ég er hér med nokkrar spurningar og thad væri mer mikil hjálp ad fá svør. Spurningarnar eru á ensku en thad má audvitad svara á íslensku.

Bætt við 2. júní 2009 - 11:07
Hi everyone.
My name is Halla and I study multimedia design. I am doin project right now that will be a video about how to make jewelry out of trash.
I am doing this to make people aware that when you puy something in the store you also buy the container, the plastic, the metal, the paper.
I need help :)
Can you guys answer few questions? Or state you oppinion?

What are your values in life? (friendship, music, good grades, fashion, politics…etc)
What is important to portray when trying to connect to teenage viewers? (something fun, something serious, something cool and hip…)
Do you send videos or post them to your friends?
Would you be interested in seeing a video like this?

Hope to hear from you!