ókey getur einhver hjálpað mér með þetta?

ég er nefninlega að pæla í það að sækja um svona “director account” á youtube og þessi texti kom og ég var að pæla hvort þetta kosti eitthvað…8-)

Welcome to the YouTube Director registration page! The YouTube Director program is a FREE feature for musicians, amateur filmmakers, videobloggers, or professional content producers. Upon successful registration, YouTube Director accounts will receive the following benefits:

Logo co-branding, company URL, and company description on all of your video pages
Ability to upload videos longer than 10 minutes
Customizable name & value fields for each of your videos (ex: “Price: $4.25” or “Show Time: 9 pm PST”)
Ability to attach a per-video URL to each of your videos
Remember, this is just the first release of the Director Account program! In the weeks to come, we will be actively upgrading this portion of the site. It is our goal to provide tools and functionality to help you, the best content providers on YouTube, achieve maximum distribution. As always, in the middle of night, if a sudden idea or suggestion comes to you on how YouTube can improve the features we offer for our Director Accounts, please get out of bed and contact us! We look forward to seeing what you can come up with!