The Soapopera Jæja, kallinn ætlar að koma með smá sápuóperu í svona The Bold And The Beautiful style.

Mikilvægar persónur:
Carlos: Hann er aðal hözzlerinn og fær allar stelpurnar. Hann er með svart sítt og krullað hár.

Umberto: Hann er feiti og ljóti gaurinn sem heldur að hann sé sætur og flottur. Fyndinn gaur.

Isabella: Sætasta stelpan. Stelpan sem Carlos vill fá en fær ekki því að hún er trúlofuð Umberto vegna peninga.

Gabina, Lupe, Monica, Socoro, Ursula, Umberta og Tatiana: Kærustur Carlos.

(Lesið með spænskuð hreimi)
Well my name is Carlos and i'm going to tell you the story about my life. I was born the fifth of march on a cold winters night. The hospital was in a poor neighborhood because my family was poor. My mother said that when i was born i lighted up the whole hospital. I was a miracle (because both my mom and dad are preatty ugly).

When i was two years old i met my first girlfriends the twins: Socoro and Tatiana. They were not so preatty (like me) but they were okay. But i only dated them for money because im a evil man. Then the years passed fast like a eagle or any bird that flies really really fast. I had four girlfriends from the age two to twenty all of them i dated because of money.

But then i saw here i saw Isabella She was the preatties girl that i've ever seen. I went to her and say. Hello my name is Carlos and i love you. She said something in spanish: Cuando sientas tristeza
Que no puedas calmar
Cuando haya un vacío
Que no puedas llenar (ekki stolið úr N'Sync texta).
But i said no habla spanish you marry me. She said oh Carlos i cant because the horrible man Umberto will marry me. I said OMFG! Then she said WTF? So we sat there and held hands for hours.

One day Isabella came to my home and said. The wedding it is tomorrow i was terrified. And i thought to myself i must kill Umberto.