Það þekkja allir Tim Burton, hann bjó t.d. til ‘Nightmare before christmas’ og nýja mynd ‘Corpse Bride’ og ég held ‘Beetle Juice’ og eflaust margar aðrar myndir en ég fékk bók um daginn með fullt af litlum ljóðum sem eru reyndar dáldið fyndnar ef þið sjáið myndirnar í bókinni sem hann samdi og mig langaði að deila nokkrum með ykkur! :D

Sú fyrsta heitir 'Stick Boy and Match Girl in love'

Stick Boy liked Match Girl,
he liked her a lot.
He liked her cute figure,
he thought she was hot.

But could a flame ever burn
for a match and a stick?
It did quite literally;
he burned up pretty quick.

The Boy with Nails in His Eyes

The Boy with Nails in His Eyes
pu up his aluminum tree.
It looked pretty strange
because he couldn't really see.

Stain Boy

Of all the super heroes,
the strangestt one by far,
doesn't have a special power,
or drive a fancy car.

Next to Superman and Batman,
I guess he must seem tame.
But to me he is quite special,
and Stain Boy is his name.

He cant't fly around tall buildings,
or outrun a speeding train,
the only talent he seems to have
is to leave a nasty stain.

Sometimes I know it bothers him,
that he can't run or swim or fly,
and because of this one ability,
his dry cleaning bill's sky-high.

Stain Boy's Special Christmas

For Christmas, Stain Boy got a new uniform.
It was clean and well pressed,
comfy and warm.

But in a few short minutes,
(no longer than ten)

those wet, greasy stains
started forming again.

Roy, the Toxic Boy

To those of us who knew him
-his friends-
we called him Roy.
To others he was known as that horrible Toxic Boy.

He loved ammonia and asbestos,
and lots of cigarette smoke.
What he breathed in for air
would make most people choke!

His very favorite toy
was a can of aerosol spray;
he'd sit quietly and shake it,
and spray it all the day.

He'd stand inside of the garage
in the early-morning frost,
waiting for the car to start
and fill him with exhaust.

The one and only time
I ever saw Toxic Boy cry
was when some sodium chloride
got into his eye.

One day for fresh air
they put him in the garden.
His face went deathly pale
and hid body began to harden.

The final gasp of his short life
was sickly with despair.
Whoever thought that you could die
from breatjing outdoor air?

As Roy's soul left his body,
we all said a silent prayer.
It drifted up to heaven
and left a hole in the ozone layer.

Junk Girl

There once was a girl
who was made up of junk.
She looked really dirty,
and she smelled like a skunk.

She was always unhappy,
or in one of her slumps-perhaps ‘cause she spent
so much time down in the dumps.

The only bright moment
was from a guy named Stan.
He was the neighborhood
garbage man.

He loved her alot
and made a marriage propasal,
but she’d already thrown herself
down a garbage disposal.

The Pin Cushion Queen

Life isn't easy
for the Pin Cushion Queen.
When she sits on her throne
pins push through her spleen.

Og svo endar bókin með svona þökkum


Thanks to Michael McDowell, Jill Jacobs, Brack, RodneyKizziah, Eva Quiroz, and David Szanto.

Jæja það er það, vona að ykkur fannst þau ekkert of þunglynd of bara flott, en það eru MIKLU fleiri svona ljóð í bókinni, hún heitir
mjög góð og ég mæli með henni ;)

E.S. Afsakið Stafsetningarvillu