Þá er júróvisjon framundan og Eric Hawk í skandinavískaeurovisionupphitunartímaskekkjuþættinum. Að sjálfsögðu erum við íslendingar að missa okkur því við viljum meina að ofurorfurballaðan Heaven muni rokka feitann, eins og öll númer frá íslandi síðustu ár. En ég rakst á skrif á netinu eftir eitthvern sem er í istanbúl:

“Been out in Istanbul for a couple of days now, and cos of the wierd organisation this year we've only seen the songs that are in Wednesday's semi final, but from the lost we've seen, if anyone's got a chance it's going to be Ukraine. Made howling woman with swirling hair and mental dances hooting on big pipes and cracking whips, all the while sounding like Shakira being shagged by stomp down the christmas techno factory.

Songs to enjoy include Estonia, who've got five discordant woman hopping about with a giant Kieth Flint alike punching and headbutting cymbals in the background, and Bosnia, who've got the campest man you ever did see doing dubious gyrations. Malt's supposed to be the shmaltziest thing on the planet and must be avoided at all costs apparently.

The big guns start rehearsals on Sunday, including the Turkish version of Rancid who are most unintentionally hilarious!”

En eins og þið sjáið, þá eigum við ekki sjens.
<br><br><a href="http://www.tonik.tk">Tonik</a