Þegar ég var að flakka á veraldarvefnum rakst ég á Sims síðuna www.killersims.com og sá þar mjög athyglisverða grein um enn aðra viðbótina við The Sims og kallast hún The Sims Vacation.
Eins og nafnið ber til greina er sem sagt hægt að fara í frí með alla fjölskylduna á sólarströnd þar sem maður getur legið í sólbaði allan daginn, búið til sandkastala með krökkunum og farið í strandblak(allt að átta manns), vetrarparadís þar sem maður getur farið í snjóboltastríð, búið til snjókarla og margt fleira.
Síðan en ekki síst er hægt að fara í frí í skóginn og gert margt skemmtilegt eins og að fara að veiða og svona.
Eins og þið sjáið er reynt að gera krakkana í The Sims aðeins meira að persónum eins og það er orðað í greininni!!!
Annars hef ég ekki hugmynd hvenær hún kemur út eða hvort hún komi til Íslands!!!! Vona það að minnsta kosti, allavegana var mjög athyglisvert að lesa greinina.
Ég set alla greinina í heild sinni með þessu en því miður er hún á ensku en vonandi nennið þið að lesa hana!!!

Kveðjur, Sigmar

The Sims Vacation
With all the magic and parties and dating Sims have been up to recently, many of them need a break…and what better way to take a break than going on Vacation! Send your Sims and their families to a Vacation island filled with sun and snow fun! Show the kids a great time while taking a spin on a seaside carnival ride, playing sand volleyball, building snowmen, and riding on the snow slide. Bring home memories like jewels found on a treasure hunt or a wacky souvenir. But watch your kids because if you can't keep them from kicking over sandcastles and hurling snowballs, you'll have a short stay on Vacation Island.

Vacation Island:
Like The Hot Date downtown, Vacation Island will have up to ten new lots that players can build vacation resorts on. Some lots are winter themed, some are beach themed, and some are forest themed.

Kids are people too:
The Sims Vacation allows all-new social interactions for adults and their children and interactions children can have with each other. Unlike Hot Date, Vacation allows the entire family to go to a new location. But watch out, if you don't take care of the kids, they may cause enough mayhem to end the vacation early.

Souvenirs and prizes:
Hot Date brought new gift opportunities to the Sims. Vacation will even have a greater variety of gifts, but Sims can also win prizes in carnivals, buy souvenirs at gift shops, or even find valuables on a treasure hunt. Perhaps if their skills are high enough, they will even win a trophy. Sims can then take the trophy back home and show it to their friends.

New group objects:
If you thought the hot tub was fun, wait until you play an 8-Sim game of volleyball or get involved in a 2-way snowball fight. Vacations are about fun! Take the kids fishing on the new fishing pier! Who knows, you might catch the big one, or you might just catch good old junk.

Velkomin á Hotel Sims:
Just check in and let the friendly, attentive staff see to your every need. Food buffet, luxurious beds and state of the art bathrooms are all included. Will you be staying just a couple of days, or all week? There are packages for every budget. Just make sure to lock your doors…you never know who might want to pick your pocket….

Nýjir hlutir: Snowman, Fort Slide, Half pipe, Tent Skating rink, Treasure hunt, Volleyball, Archery Fishing, Whack-a-Will, Shoot a Clown, Horse ride, Chicken Toss, Miniature golf, Mechanical Claw game, Carousel Hotels, Prize booth, Souvenir cabinet.