Yuuzhan Vong hann er lika i mynd 3 þetta eru vist einhvern skona “space gang” gaur…..jae hvað meinaru með þessu, ég er ekki alveg að skilja???<br><br>___________________________
<a href=“www.dewalt.tk”> -|DeWalt|-</a>
CS:<a href=“mailto:Raith@hugi.is”> -|DeWalt|-Raith</a>
DoD: Raith
IRC: DW|Raith
“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

<div align=“center”><p><img src="http://www.geraldfield.com/nadinesplace/looney/marvin.gif“ width=”120“ height=”120“><br><font size=”4“>You are Marvin the Martian!</font></p></div><p>You love conquering worlds and things that go kaboom. You have control over lots of amazing technology, but are a bit of a wimp.</p><p><font size=”2“>Take the <a href=”http://www.geraldfield.com/cgi-bin/unofficial/quizzes/sfesurvey.cgi?whatlooneytunescharacterareyou“ target=”_blank“>What Looney Tunes Character are You? Quiz</a> by <a href=”mailto:contessina_2000@yahoo.com">contessina_2000@yahoo.com</a>!</font></p