Hann Adddi kom með eitt komment sem fékk mig til að skella inn þessum pósti.

hann sagði:

“Mér fannst þetta ágætur þáttur til áhorfs, en hann var mjög slæmur”

og hérna koma nokkrar setningar úr online gagnrýni á enterprise af aðdáendum sem flestir hafa staðið eins og klettar en hljóma núna hálf vonleysislega:

“I wish there was more to talk about with this episode, but it was thin. On the plus side, it wasn't the worst attempt Trek has ever done with a modern events allegory (it isn't even the worst Enterprise attempt)”

[vei, það var að minnsta kosti ekki það versta]

“It doesn't do anything offensively bad or that seems actively out of character, but from a dramatic standpoint it does something that's almost worse: it's dull. Extremely dull.”

[semsagt næstum því verra en hrikalega slæmt]

“Not exciting, but nothing stupid happened.”

“But what do we get??? A forced love story, bland guest characters, and another damn hologram story. God, I can't even talk about it. It hurts too much.”

“I want to not talk ill of the show, but sometimes there comes an episode that hits the disappointment nerve.”

“There's little here in the way of actual bad ideas, but lots of poor execution”

“I have a friend who turned off this episode after twelve minutes and was able to guess, with remarkable accuracy, the rest of the story”

“There is no doubt in this reviewer’s mind that “Oasis” is wonderfully representative of the first season of a series caring little to find something unique to say and doing a pretty good job of it at that.”

[og þó að maður þurfi að tala leiðinlega um hluti þá ætti maður samt að nota yndislega jákvæðar lýsingar, bara svona til þess að vera ekki of grimmur við ástina sína]

og síðan loksins þegar það kemur eitthvað sem er ekki lélegt eða miðlungs þá eru þeir líka eins og sveltur hvolpur sem fær bein:

“It's been a while since I've had something good to say about Enterprise and I'm glad to have something positive to say for a change,”

annars alltaf á netinu bara<br><br><a href="http://www.hyski.net">hyski.net</a>, fyrir þá sem vilja hafa gaman af samferðamönnum sínum