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The Silence wishes they could forget seeing Rory Williams.

They built the Pandorica to hold the Doctor because trying to hold Rory Williams would be just plain stupid.

Voldemort is afraid to speak the name of Rory Williams.

Rory Williams cleans bedpans by scaring the crap out of them.

“TARDIS” now stands for “Time And Rory's Dimension In Space.”

Death once had a Near-Rory Experience.

A Dalek begged River Song for mercy because it knew who her father was.

River Song granted the Dalek mercy by shooting it in the eye instead of calling her father.

Superman wears Rory Williams underwear.

Daleks? Aim for the eyestalk. Sontarans? Back of the neck. Rory Williams? Run. Just run.

The universe tried to erase Rory once. It exploded.

Rory Williams counted to infinity. Twice.

Rory Williams is here to kiss his wife or kick your ass… and he doesn't see his wife.

Rory Williams once got in a staring contest with a Weeping Angel… and won.

Rory uses the Vashta Nerada as shade.

Rory turned out the lights.

Chuck Norris wants to be a nurse.

Rory Williams shot his fiancee. She still married him.

Rory Williams is the reason Daleks learned to climb stairs.

Every single human being to have ever entered the TARDIS for the first time was immediately disoriented, perplexed, and astonished by it… except Rory Williams.

That which does not kill Rory Williams makes him stronger.

In addition, that which does kill Rory Williams also makes him stronger.

Rory Williams once punched the Eleventh Doctor. The First Doctor felt it.

The Cybermen want to upgrade to Rory Williams someday.

Jack Harkness and Rory Williams had a “who can live the longest” contest. Rory won by two billion years.

The Tempered Schism looked into Rory Williams once. It ran away screaming.

Rory Williams is also known as Rory Pond. Do you think that makes him less dangerous?

The Twelfth Cyber Legion's ships exploded because they realized Rory was onboard and they didn't see the point anymore.

Rory has the right to touch those two wires together.

The 50th anniversary story will be “The One Rory.”

Rory Williams can cross the Void on his own.

Torchwood Four will not be found until Rory Williams wills it.

The Doctor says “Run!” Rory Williams says “Walk - and stop for an egg cream.”

Weeping Angels freeze because they're in awe of Rory Williams.

There were eleven versions of the Doctor. There's only one version of Rory Williams.

Rory Williams can wear a Roman Centurion costume and say, “I make this look good.”

When Rory Williams is around, the cute girls ignore the Doctor and follow him.

Rory Williams married Amy Pond, so you might as well give up right now because you'll never do something so awesome.

Rory Williams had two exact copies of Amy Pond on hand, thought exactly what every heterosexual man alive would think, and was not ashamed that he did.

Rory Williams wasn't impressed by the Doctor, or by the TARDIS, when he first entered it. His reason? “I should be impressed by the taxicab or its driver?”

Rory Williiams married a ginger, and had a ginger child. Ginger prejudice is falling in Great Britain.

Rory Williams killed Osama bin Laden.

Christopher Walken has a fever. His only cure? More Rory.

Glenn Beck insulted Rory Williams on his Fox News show. Look where that got him.

Rory Williams can taunt Happy Fun Ball.

Rory Williams is the Last Centurion because the others took one look at him and said ***** it."

Gary Stu tried to change his name to Rory Williams, but Rory took one look at him and burst out laughing.

Rory Williams doesn't need a sonic screwdriver. He just looks at doors and they either open on their own or explode.

Whenever Rory Williams dies, the entire universe regenerates just to bring him back.