12. Ahhh! Yoda's little friend you seek!

11. Urm. Put a shield on my saber I must.

10. Feel the force!

9. Foreplay, cuddling. A Jedi craves not these things.

8. Down here I am. Find a ladder I must!

7. Do me or do me not, there is no try.

6. Early must I rise. Leave now you must!

5. You know, this would be a lot more fun without Frank Oz’s hand up my ass.

4. Happens to every guy sometimes this does.

3. When 900 years old you get, Viagra you need too, hmmmm?

2. Ow, ow, OW! On my ear you are!

1. Who’s your Jedi Master? Who’s your Jedi Master?

Varð bara að koma með eitthvað…. ekkert búið að gerast lengi.

Fighting for peace is like Fucking for virginity, just plain stupid