Ævá, þetta var æðislegur þáttur! SNICK (Susan og Nick) héldu frábært brúðkaup og lagið þeirra undir eftir Stan Bush:)
Og það var svo fyndið þegar Alex sagði að hún og Hawk væru saman og kyssti hann! Meiriháttar þáttur…:)


Until I Was Loved By You

Was in me, a dream ago, that said there was nothing last’s forever.
But sometimes fate, moves in wait, that brings two hearts like ours together….
One by one the walls came down and suddenly I knew…. this was heaven that I’d found.
Until I was loved by you, my heart beat inside of me and I never knew.
And dreams were for fools !
They could never come true.
Until I was loved, until I was loved by you.

They say for every one of us, the right one is somewhere out there waiting.
If we're lucky we might find, oh that hearts are made for more then breaking, all I did was look at you.
And in that moment I knew miracles come true.

Until I was loved by you, my heart beat inside of me and I never knew.
And dreams were for fools !
They could never come true.
Until I was loved, until I was loved by you.

And in my darkest hour I would fall down to my knees.
I didn’t know my prayers were answered it wasn’t supposed to happen to me..

Until I was loved by you, my heart beat inside of me and I never knew.
And dreams were for fools !
They could never come true.
Until I was loved, until I was loved by you….
Until I was loved by you