Hvaða gaur er þetta þarna i bannernum? Hann lytur ut… Eins og annað hvort gaur fra 1981 eða þa að hann se einhver voðalega uber gay?<br><br><font color=“#FF00FF”><a href=“mailto:soleysk89@hotmail.com”>-Soley</a></font>

<font color=“#C0C0C0”>Feel so bored, forbitten to sleep, and wanted for murder, and ready to die, ‘couse I don’t get what I want and I don't get to fuck who ever I want, and I don't get to kill who ever I want. This is the life today, tomorrow it's still the same shit… Same shit over and over again, 'till we die. Does that sounds like fun? <b>-Onefndur</b></font>

<font color=“#FF00FF”><a href="http://www.folk.is/skangus">www.skangus.is</a></font