Baywatch á Gaza
Ég ákvað í ljósi síðustu atburða í Ísraels-Palestínu málinu, að endurbirta mynd sem ég birti hér fyrir 2-3 árum.

Það hafa margir góðir skríbentar tjáð sig um þetta í alþjóðapressunni undanfarna daga, en breski fyrrum pönkarinn Mark Steel sagði þetta:

…Condoleezza Rice, having observed that more than 300 Gazans were dead, said: “We are deeply concerned about the escalating violence. We strongly condemn the attacks on Israel and hold Hamas responsible.”

Someone should ask her to comment on teenage knife-crime, to see if she'd say: “I strongly condemn the people who've been stabbed, and until they abandon their practice of wandering around clutching their sides and bleeding, there is no hope for peace.”