Wewelsburg Kastali Áhvað að senda inn mynd af þessum kastala eftir að hann Lecter hafði sagt mér frætt mig aðeins um hann, ég varð mjög forvitinn og fann myndir af honum á netinu og þetta er ein af þeim.
Hér eru svo smá upplýsingar um þennan forvitnilega stað. Þær eru á ensku því að ég nenntieinfaldlega ekki að þíða;)

Wewelsburg Castle
20 km south-west of Paderborn.

In 1934 the castle was rented by Heinrich Himmler for 1 Reichsmark and its primary role was that of a SS officer's school.The goal was to research the National Socialists ideas and extend them to the racial theories . From 1936 onwards the castle's main purpose was to become a ‘cult centre’ as well a prestigious centre for SS Generals. From 1940 plans were developed, incorperating the village of Wewelsburg, for a new castle complex centered around the North Tower of the castle. For this a Konzentrationslager was build in Wewelsburg. Of the 3900 prisoners at least 1285 died building the castle or starved to death. In 1943 the building was stopped and the remaining prisoners were transfered to other camps. Two days before the US forces liberated Wevelsburg (2nd april 1945), a special commando of the SS, blew up the castle leaving only the outer walls standing. The rebuilding of the castle began in 1949 and was finished in 1979.