Ágætis síða sem hef verið að skoða, sem sýnir að breski heraflinn hefur síður en svo verið jafn verkefnalítill síðan í WWII eins og maður gæti kannski haldið. Þarna er meira að segja fjallað um Þorskastríðin svonefndu, þar sem meðal annars segir:

…In hindsight, Iceland was only looking after its own interests. Maybe they could see the writing on the wall? It's a shame the UK didn't do the same. Instead ‘we’ have given our fishing rights away to the EU under the guise of the Common Fisheries Policy. Our once proud fishing industry is now but a shadow of its former self. Iceland still retains hers. However, a lasting memory for me will be of our fishermen as they toiled in those northern waters to bring their catch safely home to port. I now have a great respect for the people of that industry and when tucking into cod and chips, I always give a thought to ‘those in peril on the sea’.

Sú grein er á http://britains-smallwars.com/RRGP/Sirius2.htm

Hvað var svo John Cleese að röfla um að þetta væri “not a proper war” ! :D

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