Ég hef verið að dunda mér við smá ljóðagerð ef að það má kalla það það, og postaði einu hérna bara áður. En hérna koma tvö og svo þar á eftir koma nokkur svona “quotes” á ensku sem að ég hef einnig dundað mér við að semja, og ég var að spá í einhverjum commentum á það líka .. :)

Hið ómögulega.

Við stóðum úti, alein í heiminum,
og á meðan við horfðum á snjóinn falla, þá litum við uppí himininn og sáum stjörnurnar og regnbogann.
Svo hoppaði ég og flaug beint í arma þína og þú hvíslaðir í eyra mér .. ég elska þig.

Mig dreymir að ég sé prinsessa í hárri höll,
og heyri niður af götunum hróp og köll.
Mig dreymir að vorið sé komið
og blómin vöknuð.
Svo vakna ég og finn aftur,
þessa tilfinningu af einmanaleika og söknuð.

I want to be able to say I miss you with out being asked why,
I want to be able to say I love you with out being asked who,
I want to be able to kiss you and be kissed back .

One day I absolutely love you to death, but the next I never wan't to see you again.

If everything is messed up nothing left, there's only one thing left to do, and that is fight for me and you.

I didn't knew what I wanted, I didn't knew what to do.. but then, I looked at you.

Our love can be repaired, our feelings were always there
but no matter where, I will always care.

A love that lasts forever, a dream about us togeather.

There's nothing I want more than look into your eyes and see you looking back.

Even though we'll never be together, my heart will belong to you forever.

Everytime I see you, I want to be loved, I want to be loved by you.

My tears fall, not for you, but for the love I thought we had.

I waited for you a whole night, but when you finally came, I didn‘t want you there.

Looking at you breaks my heart, because right next to you is the girl you love, and that girl isn't me.

Please don't say you love me, because when you do, it feels like you're stabing a knife through my heart and twist it, because I know it's a lie.

Everyday you look at me with your beautiful eyes and smile, I know it doesn't mean anything, but knowing I crossed your mind, even just for a second or two means the world to me.
If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything