Var að renna yfir þetta áhugamál og ákvað að koma með eitt gott hérna til þess að þið fáið smá frí frá þessu væmna poppógeði:

Lights Out með Orchid

You are, you are, and you are…
And I am your warm body–
How bad does it hurt?
I feel nothing
But you breathe through me through you–
It passes through me-slides off like rain.
Breathe through me, breathe through you, breathe.
You bite my lip when we kiss-
-It bleeds and I fall in love-
You are, you are, you are, you are, and you are…

Byrjar á 18:17

The waves come crashing as I sail across the waters,
And I hope against hope that the cold steel hull will carry me to salvation.