Ég og söngvarinn í hljómsveitinni minni, Royal Fanclub vorum að semja texta við lag um daginn. Við byrjuðum á rosa emo nótum en fórum í eitthvað flipp þegar leið á. Hér er textinn.

Memories With Aids-Royal Fanclub

All that I tell you is true
And I'll just be,
Waiting and thinking of you

But now you're going to your home
And leaving me here all alone,
I want to come but I can't get out
Is this what life is all about?

All the things that we have done
And all the times when we had fun,
Reminds me of the day we met
Things you said, I didn't get.

But now my love is done
The memories are gone,
With you the way back home
My heart has turned to stone.

You didn't know that I was cheating
You didn't know what you were eating,
And all the times I lied to you
and all the things I put you through,
reminds me that I forgot telling you
that I got AIDS and now you to!