Hæ hæ

Ég hef aldrei haft neinn áhuga á að semja ljóð, enda hef ég ekki hæfileikan í það…

Fyrir nokkrum dögum leið mér mjög illa. Mér leiddist, fór að skrifa, og þetta kom bara upp í hugan á mér. Ég var ekkert að reyna að gera eitthvað mjög flott ljóð eða eitthvað, þetta er bara tjáning á því hvernig mér leið…

My heart can't take this anymore
This pain…
This frustration…
This stress

I feel…
Like I'm locked in a cage
I'm stuck
I want to go out
But still…
Something keeps me there
It tells me I want to be here
That all this pain…
Is worth it
That all this pain…
Will go
But it isn't
And it won't
Nothing is worth of a freedom
I want to be free
And I see…
The cage opens
And I know
I have to go out
This is my only chance

This is hard…
Harder than everything I've done
But it isn't as hard for you…
While I'm here…
Thinking about you…
You get another bird
To lock in that cage

I wish…
Wish I could have you…
Without being locked in that cage
Without this pain
Without being hurt
I wish you had never lied to me
Wish you'd care for me
You'd love me like I loved you
Because that love…
Was real
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind