As I sit here with this pain in my heart, and thinking.. most people have pain in their hearts because someone loved them and left them… but I have pain in my heart because no one loved me… I am too different for you, I am too special for you. You can’t handle the big truth about me and all I say, you make it look like I am the bad person, but the truth is… You are the bad person. You wanted to think the worst about me without even wanting to know how I was like.. You are shallow and I hate you and you gave me pain and nothing else. Stop looking at me and telling these bad words to me and behind me. I never asked you to describe me. You think I am stupid, ugly, ridiculous and self-obsessed. Now I am self-obsessed after you said that to me, because now all I think is that I am ugly, I am stupid, I am ridiculous and I obviously can’t handle this world. So stop talking to me now, I don’t want you to describe me, stop now, I am cutting myself, so my body will not have to stay here without a soul. My soul has left, and she did that long time ago. I am no longer a hurt soul, a hurt body. Suppurated from this world and never coming again. Did I do this for you? Did I do this for me? I did it for both of us and the rest of the world. By that I know I left five people at home, crying. I did my best, I never wanted to hurt them, but I could not give love, when there was no love to find in my heart. Keep living.. Life is to have fun. But that was not my choice to make.. Try to understand.