Þið sem voruð eitthvað að hafa áhyggjur af því um daginn hvort kiss mundi túra með allt linupið breytt og enga af upprunalegu meðlimunum, lesið þetta bréf sem tekið var af genesimmons.com

“Hi Gene

I don't know how much truth there is to the talk that is going around about the possibility of KISS touring with no original members but if there is, PLEASE don't ever allow this to happen. As a fan it would break my heart to hear of that happening and I certainly couldn't bring myself to attend a show. The real KISS is at least Gene and Paul. It's YOUR personalities we love, no imitations, no matter how close, could ever do.

My heartfelt plea,

Brisbane, Australia”

Response from Gene:

Not true.

Þetta er frá áströlskum aðdáenda sem sendi inn spurningu hvort þetta gæti átt við rök að styðjast og fékk einfaldlega svarið “Not true”.
sem er kúl
Bulletproof & bound for glory.