Meðal Queen aðdáenda hafa verið miklar deilur um nýlega útgáfu af laginu We are the Champions sem Roger Taylor trommari Queen og Brian May gítarleikari Queen tóku upp með Robbie Williams.

Nú hefur hinn hægláti bassaleikari Queen, John Deacon, rofið þögn sína um málið:

John segir: “Roger and Brian got together to do the song with Robbie Williams but I told them I had retired. ”
“I didn't want to be involved with it and I'm glad. I've heard what they did and it's rubbish. ”

“It is one of the greatest songs ever written but I think they've ruined it. I don't want to be nasty but let's just say Robbie Williams is no Freddie Mercury. Freddie can never be replaced - and certainly not by him.”
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