Official statement frá RoastingHouse Management (umboðsskrifstofufyrirtæki PoS):

“We are sad to announce that PAIN OF SALVATIONs trip to the USA/Iceland has been a dissapointment for all of us. The coordination with flights, dates and availability has been a nightmare and it has led to the following:

Iceland gig on Aug 15 is cancelled, the Powermad festival is cancelled and the band will only do one show in The States, PROGDAY in Chappel Hill, NC on Sept 2nd.

All people involved from the PoS camp have done their utmost to make this thing happen at this point. The band is very keen on coming to Iceland to play, it will just have to be at a later date, due to unresolvable issues with the US trip planning.”

Thomas / Roastinghouse


Úr newsletter Pain of Salvation (frá 29. júlí):

Yes, our appearence at the Powermad festival is now officially off. We are very sorry about this (we know that some people have planned to come from Japan, Australia, Europe and what have you only to see us - we are very flattered for this of course) but due to a lot of bad communication and organization from the organizers of the fest, our labels decided that it would not be a good idea to go through with it, and we can understand this completelly. However, we will come for the ProgDay festival and hopefully we will be able to do some more shows in connection to this, so hang in there!


S.s. Pain of Salvation cancelleraði Powermad festivalinu vegna slæmra samskipta við Powermad skipuleggjendurna og lélegrar skipulagningar á festivalinu. Næstu staðfestu tónleikar þeirra í USA eru 2. september og þetta þýddi það að bandið varð einnig að cancellera tónleikum sínum hérna, þar sem þetta hafði það í för með sér að of langur tími yrði á milli þessara tónleika.

Mig þykir þetta sárt og enginn er svekktari en ég yfir þessu öllu saman, en PoS mun ekki spila hérna alveg á næstunni.

Ljósið í myrkrinu er þó það að sveitin vill sjálf ólm koma hingað og það muna þeir gera.

Næst á döfinni hjá bandinu er ný plata og munu þeir fara í stúdíó núna í haust til þess að taka hana upp. Platan verður ekki Perfect Element pt. 2, heldur sjálfstæð plata. Þó verður platan concept plata eins og allar hinar plöturnar þeirra.

Með kærri kveðju,

Þorsteinn Kolbeinsson
Resting Mind concerts