Ryan vann The Biggest Loser :D ég hélt með honum sko :D
Ryan sagði í viðtali við NBC:
Since being crowned The Biggest Loser there is nothing I love to hear more than “Hey aren't you the biggest loser guy?” Being a “big loser” is a title I wear with pride! I really worked myself to the bone the week before the final weigh in. I gave myself a couple of weeks off after that, but i noticed that i was really craving the workouts (I also noticed the weight was creeping back on!). My exercise consists mostly of my favorite new hobby, mountain biking. I usually ride 3 mornings a week for 90 minutes, then i do spin classes at 24 Hour Fitness two days a week, I then finish off the week on Saturday with a long 3-4 hour ride. I'm in training to do a 1 day, 100 mile ride in Moab, UT in May - should be a blast! I also train at Jillian's gym twice a week for good measure.

The best thing I've been doing since the show ended is working to help get kids as healthy as possible. I've been speaking at elementary schools teaching kids about how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. I know from growing up overweight how tough it can be for kids these days, so hopefully I can help show them the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. I am also working on producing and hosting a daily show for kids that would promote kid appropriate exercise, healthy eating ideas, and an all around fun and healthy life.

I had an amazing experience on The Biggest Loser and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Thanks to all my teammates, my kick-butt trainer Jillian, the producers, and most of all my amazing wife Mariah (is she a babe or what?!), for helping me become the person I always knew I could!
Arsenal Forever!