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Who would have thought a curly-haired, introverted soccer player would take home the cash? Okay, we did. But we also thought that after winning, he would be Mr. Diplomat and say only nice things about his former Africa-mates (not true!). caught up with new millionaire Ethan Zohn just days after America watched his triumph to see how he really feels.

So, Ethan, I knew you'd win from day one – and I even got $100 out of it.
Oh, yeah? That's probably what I'll get, too, after taxes, so we're in the same boat.

Did you kind of know you had it when you saw everyone you'd be playing against?
The competitive side of me was like, Yeah! I knew it wasn't going to be a cakewalk, but I saw Tom, who was this big, fat guy, and Lex, who was this skinny little tattoed guy. The women I wasn't concerned about. I wasn't cocky or anything, because that's not in my nature, but I was confident. You have to have confidence to go into a game like this.

Was there a challenge you liked most?
I liked the one that I won – when I had to flip those little things into the basket. I liked weird stuff like that. I was pretty pissed off when Lex won the one with the car. It wasn't necessarily about the car, but it was the whole Colby thing. Lex had five good meals and four days out of camp away from everyone else.

Once it was down to you and Big Kim, did you know you had it?
No way. I replayed it in my head all the time. Every day I thought I could have won a million dollars or I could be a big, fat loser. It wasn't until I saw my name on that last card that I knew.

I think Big Kim pulled a Colby. She would have won against Lex.
I disagree with you totally. If you go over it in your head, Lex would have won because I would have voted for him, and so would Tom, Frank, and Brandon.

What about if it had come down to you and Lex?
It would have been a tough call. I'd like to think I would have won, but he played the game well. It would have been close.

After you came home from Africa, did you try to get everyone to reveal who they voted for?
No, we weren't allowed to talk about it. And to tell you the truth, I didn't want to. I just tried to put it out of my head. When I talked to people, it was more about what they did over the weekend or how their family was.

So what have you bought, Mr. Millionaire?
I bought Tivo, and I could sit around and talk about that for hours. I love that thing.

Will you be endorsing it?
I would. I haven't really been approached about endorsing anything. I didn't do this for Hollywood. I don't have a head shot. I'm just pretty psyched that I won this whole ‘'Survivor’' thing. It's one of the toughest game shows out there, especially in the third season when everyone is such a student of the game.

During the Q&A tribal council, how could you have dissed Brandon to his face?
I felt like I'm not going to sugar-coat anything for that guy. He didn't deserve to be next to me. I preached honesty and truth and I wasn't going to lie just to make him feel happy and get his vote. If that was the deciding vote, fine, but I would still have gone home with my integrity and self-respect. Obviously he was going to vote against me no matter what.

Funny to hear you speak harshly, because when I interviewed Brandon he had nothing but great things to say about you.
I take it all back. I think he's a great guy. Seriously, though, I have no hard feelings against anyone. We all partied together this past Thursday and we really all got along. I know they say this every year, but I think more so with this ‘'Survivor’' cast, everyone is friends.

Even you and Kelly?
Uh…she's an actress and she's acting. It was a little silly for her to do that whole number thing for someone who is so smart and knowledgeable about the game. I found it surprising. I expected more from her. Susan Hawk did the whole barrage. Greg did the whole number thing. If you're that great and smart, do something original.

Why did you reveal on national television that you tried to curl your hair with a curling iron?
I got asked my most embarrassing moment and that was it. The way it went was my hair was so curly I was trying to uncurl it. I didn't have that much experience, so I tried this curling iron with prickles and stretched the hair in front. It was a disaster. The worst part was that my mom picked a different embarrassing thing, so now people know two embarrassing things about me.

Did you find anything particularly scary in your hair after the 39 days?
No. I was psyched, though, to shave off my beard, and then Mark Burnett called and said, ‘Ethan, grow it back.’

There's a rumor that ‘'Survivor 5’' will be a greatest players kind of game. Would you do it?
I think so. It would be fun to see how you do against the best.

Could you take Richard Hatch?
Yeah, I think I could. He's very smart, though. The game would be turbo. Everything would happen in one day. I can't imagine what that would be like.

Any future for you on the pages of Playgirl?
No, I would not do Playgirl. I'm still the same guy I was before, and I don't want the game to change me. So no Playgirl for me.
