ég ákvað að setja saman svona yfirlit yfir feril magna í Supernova. Og segi líka hvað mér finnst um hvert og eitt lag.

Vika 1 Satisfaction:

Tommy Lee:This is the first time playing in the US, tell me how it feels.

Magni: Are you liking it?

Tommy Lee: I wish I knew how to say something in Icelandic, uh, how would I say hello to you in Icelandic?

Magni: uh, Halló.

Dave Navarro: For me I felt that the stage vibe was a little on the Vegas tip.

Magni: Dude! I've never even been to Vegas

Dave: well you should go…

Gilby Clarke: Yeah I agree with Dave, you have a strong voice, but this is a dirty rock & roll band, so I want you to be yourself but keep that in mind.

Magni: Point taken…

Mér fannst þetta vera frekar slappt hjá honum, og mistök hjá honum að byrja í fyrstu setningu að rétta míkrófóninn út í sal. Maður fékk smá kjánahroll en samt voru margir lélegri en hann þarna.

Vika 2 My Generation:

Jason Newsted: Good Control up there man, great control. Your experience on stage in Iceland is showing through now, so that's awesome man.

Tommy Lee: I thought it was a little ho- hum, and I love the ho, it needs a little more hum.

Þarna erum við aðeins byrjuð að tala saman. Meiri kraftur og öryggi hjá honum. Sviðsframkoma miklu betri heldur en í Satisfaction.

Vika 3 Plush:

Tommy Lee: Oh check this dude, I got one word, you ready? MAGNIficent!

Gilby: In the very beginning, you know I was kinda doubting you know the stage presence but since then man you've been killing it man, and I'm having a great time watching you man.

Virkilega flott hjá honum. Með uppáhaldsframkomum mínum með Magna. Svo hlaut hann líka uppklapp fyrir þetta.

Vika 4 Heroes:

Tommy Lee: I've got a question, why would you strap yourself to a guitar, when a song about being a hero for a day, that everybody would like to be, and be strapped to a microphone, to a guitar, uh why? why would you do that?

Magni: okay, I think it's one of the best songs ever written, and I didn't wanna put on a blue spandex and run around, that doesn't fit the song.

Jason: This song man, like everybody here, you'll have to sing to each person, the person over here, the person all the way to the back.

Magni: I was singing to somebody who's on the other side of the globe, i'll sing for the rest of you later.

Gilby: It's just a way to do it. There's a right way, there's a wrong way, I just thought that one was the wrong way. But your vocal was great, that wasn't a note in there, it was a great delivery, great great performance dude.

Ég var eiginlega sammála Supernova af sumu leyti með sviðsframkomuna, fannst þetta svolítið innantómt, en hann svaraði fyrir sig á frábæran hátt. Og svo sagði Jason Newsted við Magna daginn eftir að hann hafði horft á þetta í sjónvarpinu og séð þá hvað Magni hafði verið að gera.

Vika 5 Clocks:

Jason: Magni, Pure talent, through and through. You Continue to set the bar for this whole competition for me.

Gilby: You did a great job man, that was awesome.

Tommy: Uh, exelent performance, I would like to know uh, how you felt missing your baby's first steps.

Magni: I guess it shows I really want to be here, If I didn't want to be here , I'd be gone in a flash so.

Tommy: Trust me, I understand, my kids are here tonight and we all appriciate your sacrifice here to be with us tonight and to do this and uhm, I think uh, yeah? yeah…we've decided collectively that we would like to fly your family out to come and see you from Iceland. In appriciation, thank you!

Magni: Thank you, I'm gonna go cry now.

Tommy: Much Love baby.

Magni hefur sýnt með þessu lagi hvað hann er í raun svo góður söngvari. Því þegar Ryan Star fékk að syngja þetta í þættinum var það ekki nærri eins gott. Magni fer létt með falshættuna og lagið í heild mjög gott hjá honum. Svo fékk hann líka fjöldskylduna sína til sín eftir þennan þátt.

Vika 6 The Dolphin's Cry:

Dave: Hey Magni Dude, let me just gratulate you for being the first singer to stand up there by himself, unacompanied and deliver a song like that, it was absolutely amazing dude, it really was.

Tommy: Dude, your family is here.

Magni: Hæ Marínó.

Tommy: How has it been, the visit here with your family?

Magni: I've felt like a, pfff…I, I don't know what to say, it was awesome, it was great, it was fanominal, you saved my life! Thank you.

Gilby: Magni that was really good. You have Inspired everyone, great job.

Dave. Exelent job Magni.

Magni var með fjölskylduna sína hjá sér í þessum þætti. Kannski var það einhver ástæða fyrir því að taka lagið Acoustic. En það var mjög góð ákvörðun hjá honum því það leiddi til þess að röddin hans varð meira áberandi. Mjög flott.

Vika 7 Starman:

Tommy: What's up Magni?

Magni: Hello Tommy, thank you for the last time I met you. I can't remember anything but it was fun.

Tommy: heh, Vegas was fun wasn't it?

Magni: Hell Yeah!

Tommy: You don't even remember do you? I barely remember. But you know what, you rocked it, sounds nice and once again you always sing well and shit, well done, I love David Bowie.

Gilby: As always, you are solid, you're singing great. Guys give it up, he's a great singer. Sang it great, good performance, the only thing I was missing from that was there was a perfect moment there for you to get the crowd singing that LALALA part and you MISSED IT!

Magni: Well in the old country they sing.

Gilby: Aha, but you know what, we're spoiled americans baby, you'll have to lead us, but that was the only dig on that, but good job magni, exelent.

Jason: Is this the most dressed up you've ever been on stage?

Magni: Not just on stage, just ever…

Jason: Ever ever?

Tommy: Oh common you went to court one day and had to rock that, ‘cause I know I’ve had to.

Ekki mitt uppáhalds en samt sem áður vel gert. Viðlagið er vel gert því sveiflurnar í röddinni eru ekki fyrir hvern sem er. Svo var hann voða fínt klæddur og rosa kúl

Vika 8 Smells like Teen Spirit:

Dave: Awesome job dude, let me just tell you. Vocally it was great, you definetly can sing, we all know that. What I like about you, when the song that your doing calls for “angest” you have the “angest”. And you put it into your performance.

Jason: So how does it feel to turn it up man?

Magni: I love that song, like “Creep.” That' s one of my generations anthems.

Jason: Yeah, the energy comes right of the stage that time was really great here wasn't it?

Tommy: Uhm, I've got a question for you…why didn't you strap yourself to a guitar on this track?

Magni: I kinda like the “Not Knowing what to do on stage, running around screaming thing” Instead of standing playing the four chords.

Tommy: Uhm, just because you have the guitar on your hands it doesn't mean that you can't take that thing of and smash the thing and get rid of it after the first chorus. You're not strapped to it for the whole song, Play it, get rid of it, smash it, move on.

Dave: That's a great point, in fact, before this season ends, I wanna see something get broken up there.

Þarna er krafturinn kominn aftur. Magni farinn að rokka og söng þetta með afbragðstilþrifum. Finnst þetta vera með þeim betri lögum sem Magni hefur sungið. Tommy stakk uppá því að hann hefði átt að rústa gítar og Magni sagðist ætla að gera það næst, en þá kemur Ryan og brýtur gítarinn í næsta lagi. Svolítið augljóst að hann stal dæminu frá Magna.

Vika 9 I Alone:

Dave: Ey, that boy can sing! That boy's Insane! Magni, dude I almost wish you had staid up here only because i'd love to tell you this right to your face, you just…that was killer dude, just awesome job. I really feel like, there's nothing I can say to you dude, you know, it just kinda comes down to the roll of dice now. Right on dude.

Tommy: That was cool that you came up here. You know what I kinda wished, is that you went all the way to the back with those guys.

Magni: You know what, I was gonna, but then that little voice in my head said: " No lightning dude, you got to look good.

Tommy: well done buddy.

Gilby Clarke: Hey Magni, uhm, you know you've always been so solid week after week, but I gotta tell you, tonight, you gave us that extra something that I've been asking for and I thought you did a great job tonight. I know you want it, I know you want it.

I, Alone, virkilega flott lag og er mitt uppáhald þessa stundina. Flott hvernig hann fór út í salinn og til Supernova drengjanna. Tommy benti honum á að hann hefði átt að fara alla leið aftast en það voru engin ljós svo hann bailaði. Samt kom Toby og gerði það seinna í þættinum og stal því af Magna eins og Ryan gerði í þættinum á undan.

Vika 10 Back In the U.S.S.R.:

Ágætis lag svosem. Samt finnst mér önnur lög betri með Magna. En þetta var samt sem áður vel gert.

Vika 10 When The Time Comes:

Dave: Molten Hot Magni! Dude, that was great dude, the Beatles song was killer, your original song, I dug the opening guitar riff to that and I think that's the most aggressive I've heard your voice in this whole show.

Magni: I'm an angry little fellah.

Tommy: Magni, you performed “ Back In the U.S.S.R.” and then you performed one of your originals, which I liked, but the performance was exactly the same. So I'm wondering why it's pretty much the same.

Magni: uh, both of those songs were sung by me.

Tommy: Oh that's why! Stupid me…

Dave: Oh snap!

Tommy: Love that, love that.

Gilby: I totally understand what Tommy is talking about, been that your chance to do your original, it would have been nice to bring it up a little bit more. But anyway, great job in general, loved it.

Flott lag, er lag með á móti sól en magni rokkaði það og breytti textanum. Flott gítarriff einnig.

Plush: Encore…

Magni endurtók leikinn í þriðja þætti með að fá að flytja Plush með Stone Temple Pilots aftur.

The Dolphin's Cry: Encore…Rafmagnað

Magni fær uppklapp í annað sinn, og um leið fyrsti keppandinn til að hljóta þann heiður. Spilar hér lagið The Dolphin's Cry sem hann spilaði á kassagítarinn nema að hann gerir það full blast núna.

Creep: Neðstu Þrír

Svo Geðveikt lag, rústaði Lukas í söngnum, og þegar hann fer að öskra á háu tónunum, aðeins alvöru söngvarar ná því. Gæsahúð með meiru í þessu lagi. Líka töff að hann lagðist á sviðið og settist svo upp. Framkoma í lagi!

Fire: Neðstu Þrír

Magni sýnir Hendrix takta á gítarnum með því að taka sólóið sjálfur. Supernova hrósaði honum hvernig hann gerði þetta lag að sínu eigin. Mjög kúl

It's All Love: Magni valinn til að syngja með Supernova

ég er að fýla þetta lag, Samt var Magni svolítið upptekinn af Supernova mönnum heldur en áhorfendum, eins og að hann hafi verið að hanga utan í Gilby og færði sig svo til Jason. Samt flott afrek að fá að spila með þeim.

Hérna er minn listi yfir hvaða lög mér þótti vera best.
1. I, Alone
2. Creep
3. Plush
4. Smells Like Teen Spirit
5. The Dolphin's Cry
6. The Dolphin's Cry Rafmagnað
7. It's All Love
8. When The Time Comes
9. Fire
10. Clocks
11. Starman
12.My Generation
13.Back In The U.S.S.R.
15. Satisfaction