Jæja kæru rafvirkjar, þá er komið að því ..eh..

plat - Compulsion(árátta) er (næstum því)komin út þ.e.a.s útgáfudagur er 11 jan en hægt er að leggja inn pre-order hjá unschooled

Einnig sýnist mér að hægt sé að versla gripinn hjá Cdbaby .
Platan hefur fengið fín review (enn sem komið er)

Reviewer: Babysue
Cool, somewhat atmospheric, and purposely accidental. Plat is Iceland's duo of Arnar Helgi Adalsteinsson and Vilhjalmur Palsson. The compositions on Compulsion sound slightly similar to The Lemon of Pink…except more fluid and experimental. Adalsteinsson and Palsson take the unusual approach of recording everything they play (!)…opting to finalize the recording by adding additional layers later. The result is an organic journey through modern electronic territory. There are no vocals…only strange and dreamy sounds that blend in and out of the mix. The rhythms sound foreign and strange, yet…they are totally appropriate for this style of music. By refusing to adopt familiar methods drilled into the ground by others, the guys in Plat are inventing their own cool brand of instrumental music. Heady and trippy…these tunes will give you a genuine and instant high. Soothing…yet mental. Recommended for fans of The Grassy Knoll. Wonderful stuff. (Rating: 5+++)

Væri sniðugt að kaupa sér eins og 5-6 eintök :)