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sassy Notandi frá fornöld 44 ára kvenmaður
372 stig

Slam á Sirkus!!! (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 3 mánuðum
Þeir sem hafa áhuga (og eru 20+) mega endilega kíkja á Sirkus annað kvöld (Miðvikudaginn 6. feb.) kl. 9 og tjá sig. Fyrsta kvöld Andmælis mun þá fara fram, og verður opinn míkrafónn. Þannig að ef þú hefur eitthvað að segja, villt lesa ljóð, singja, rappa, öskra, grenja, eða hlæja, þá er öllum velkomið. Kíkiði á okkur, sassy :p

craziness (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 4 mánuðum
Who is this man, this awkward man, who is just like me, just not like me, trusts not like me, knows not what to be, has his eyes open but can't quite see over the dashboard of his misfortune, which, at any rate is clearly unfortunate, clearly a bad deal to seal your tomorrows in such un-pretty packaging. Those negative thoughts will sting like frost bites your toes, those thoughts are your foes who will grind you down with swift blows to your self that envisions your dreams. He is not what...

Charlie (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 6 mánuðum
Eg birti thetta ljod einhverntiman i sumar, en eg er bunad breyta thvi adeins. Eg las thetta a Open Mike kvoldi (Slam Poetry) herna i Washington um daginn og fekk finar motokur. Eg er ad fila thetta miklu betur svona…hvad finnst ykkur? I know the mind relentlessly forcing me to find that every man is blind to a certain degree. Forcing me to hide behind All that they see, and I want to be. I know the type of place you have a tendency to displace all visions of face. Desperately grabbing any...

Red and Blue (4 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Before I was young I was old. Before I was old I was beautiful, just like you. Red and blue remind me of the love you slew. Blue and red mark the bloodshed in the darkness where i bled, in the stillness where you left me for dead. I sought redemption through the attention you paid to my clumsy conversation, whilst secretly praying for my devestation. You unearthed my soul, then proceeded to swallow it whole. I could breath in your sin, but I'd fail to exhale through that grin you would have...

No More (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 11 mánuðum
Please crawl out of my head, I have no tears left to shed. Please make an effort to let go, the curtains have closed, and it's the end of this show. Please let me make this break, there's nothing left, of me, for you to take. Please release my heart, it hurts when you squeeze it, and we need to be apart. Please understand, it doesn't help that you have your head in the sand, and just beacause you're reaching doesn't mean I'll take your hand Please go away, my soul has split in two, and I...

Betrayal (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 11 mánuðum
As I fall through the occupied space in your head. As I stitch together wounds that have already bled. I testify on behalf of severed hearts, and other broken parts, and the rivers of tears that have already been shed.

Goodbye (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 11 mánuðum
Goodbye, I wish you well. A well in which to drown, your head to swell, my patience to dwell, beneath your ugly crown, making me your clown.

My Desire (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 11 mánuðum
I am screwed beyond any comprihension beyond any translucent promise of redemption Encased in a feather lined void I am in animated suspension With the sun burning in my chest The sun became my moon and the moon became the rest Within the chaos there is a man who becomes my core He is what I was before He will make me his whore A dormant emotion I resist in absent desire I want to want to want to want I resist in absent desire and set your dreams on fire.

not knowing (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 11 mánuðum
not knowing who I am not knowing why I am not knowing where I'm going, or how to get there and not giving a damn not knowing what I want not knowing when I want it not knowing the future not fearing not caring just making a fist not knowing what's good or bad not knowing what I had until it was missed not knowing what's makebelieve and what's real not knowing how to love and what to feel not knowing where to go and what to bring not knowing who, or why I am but still knowing everything.

Freak (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
You suck me in just so you can spit me out You throw me a life boat just so you can kick me back in as soon as I get to land You watch me drown You feel sad for me Well fuck you I dont need your sympathy!

Quicky (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
I love you I know you dont give a shit but I still love you you emotional fuckwitt

Whatever (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
I dislike you, the bastard, the prick, the man thing, toy boy with no dick. I dislike you penis boy and all the crap that you sing about and all the shit that you bring about when you strut the ego and give me stuff to shout about. I dislike you, love taker, messing with my life, spirit breaker, you\'re a lier, a faker, a trouble maker. I cant remember where I went during the time I spent inside your head and in your bed, listening to all you said, worshipping every dent of this body you...

Charlie (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
I know the mind, relentlessly forcing me to find that every man is blind, to a certain degree, forcing me to hide behind all that they see, and I want to be. I know the type of place you have a tendancy to displace all visions of face, desperately grabbing any trace of grace before you sink and forget how to think. Host to a magnificent evil, I need to feed my soul before I bleed insanities seed is set to grow, but first, I need some blow. Go find me a thought and I'll look at what you brought.

Frustrated (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
It dawns on me that I was never needed… …so what makes you tick? You just needed me to lick you'r dick and now I'm sad 'cause you succeeded?

The Aftermath (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
I am travelling in a black hearse So slow So slow The walls of this universe are speeding toward me So fast So fast I dont want to finish last The choices I made A step in the wrong direction Descisions will fade that much further from perfection Better late than never you say What if it takes forever I say You were right I am wrong You're so fucking clever I say The choices I made A step in the wrong direction Descisions will fade that much further from perfection I am disintegrating...

No title (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 23 árum
Tell me to recognise the time I stepped out of line Tell me so that I can understand me understand the me that you see Show me the undeniable force of you Show me the quivering glory that I alone see through You cant see where you went wrong You only see that I am strong You only see the me that you want to see Tell me how it is that I am broken after all the soft words that were spoken Tell me how it is that I am not OK after all that whent on that day You cant see where you went wrong You...
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