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maddy Notandi frá fornöld 42 ára kvenmaður
348 stig

The Glass (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
No idea on how to start, she gently picked up her pieces of glass. The shards glittered like diamonds, She fought the urge to put the glass in her pocket. Just a little piece of beauty, That’s all I ask for. Her thoughts spoken in her head. The voice was calm, small and timid To the world as the girl spoke. Where the glass came from, She wasn’t sure. Her eyes wandered towards the sky, In case more of the glass would fall down From the stars. Maybe the glittering pieces in her palm Were...

One Day... (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
One day. The face of the boy I love, Is burned into my mind. A wound that will never heal. One day, we'll meet on the street. His smile will open my heart. If we ever meet again, I'll tell him “I loved you”. And all the tears That I never cried over him, Will come flowing through. It will wash away our past, Then we can start all over Again

Dear love, in heaven (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
I moved on, just as I promised. It was hard. You are still in my dreams. Each night, The ghost of your hugs and kisses Keeps me company, through the twilight. I touch everything you touched, Because then you are touching me… Again. I'm not angry, just sad. Sad that I couldn't keep you. Keep you forever. Your kisses still rest on my lips, I wish that the rest of you Was here beside me. Nights are easy, It's the days that are hard. At night, I'm alone. At day, I'm all alone in a crowd. My dear...

Red Underwear (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
I wear red underwear. How lovely it feels to wear them. Sexy, under all those layers. Knowing that no one sees my sexy moves But a chosen few who Look beneath the layers. And see me as I feel each day. Sexy as hell.

Hush, Hush (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Hush, hush. Close your eyes and block out the world. The mouth doesn’t move against the tide. Rush of water fills each void within me. We claw our way towards the surface, Trying to breath. The heavy movement slows down the world Yet as we break the silence, Our screams of victory drones out the voices That buzz around us, Demanding that we let them be. We tread hostile waters and swim among the sharks, But yet, there is no place I would rather be, Since here is where you are.

The Fool (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Hope higher then heaven can reach you For you are above it all. I want so much but get by With so little. My pain is small Compared to the world’s, But in my mind, my pain fills the void I live in. Hope that happiness is catching. I listen to love songs But I always land on the songs About broken hearts. Since all the things are broken How can they be fixed? I have so little to beg for. A whole heart all of my own, That’s all I ask for. Along with a warm body, Of course. What a fool to love...

Hope (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Hope that you can hear me, Far and away, removed from my world. We didn’t act, Or I didn’t act on my feelings, My emotions hungry for action Stayed silent all the time we knew each other. Only when you left, did they wake up. We were strangers, I never knew of your feelings If your heart already belonged to someone Special. I only loved you because it was safe And no danger of being hurt. I needed to love for a while For when I left I left my hopes of what might have been Behind me. And I...

Revenge (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Revenge Future lies ahead of the road you try to avoid so dearly, we aren’t trying to break the mould like we should. Deep within us are hidden the means of survival, find it and we will always land on our feet. War is an answer to a question we dare not ask. Hell is released onto this earth with vengeance of the dead. Let the emotional people go first, we loose their conscience along the way to damnation. “Revenge”, cries the bloodthirsty crowd. “Revenge” said the child, holding it’s...

Running (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Running Hope you are happy Hope that everything is all right Hope that your heart still works We always said that we would try again Guess the time has come to find out the truth If we were meant to be Let us see how far we can go Before the past drags us back To where we belong With our true loves. We are only playing the past to each other Truth hurts too much to let us see How far ago it’s been since we were right That we don’t know what’s right anymore. Do we return to the truth or do we...

We Love (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
We love and we hate, We fight and lie and all we die a little each day. Hope is heaven reached But we fell from grace long time ago, Should we hope that the world Is going to make its peace with us? Or are we damned forever to suffer In heartless love affairs? I know that the world is a strange place, Where people die for little things as love Or as bigger things as hate Or the heat that lives in the human heart. We are forced to live with our choices. We hope and hope and never Do we...

Ljóð á ensku (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Life of the Party Breathe, breathe I tell myself to breathe. Things haven’t changed much, just everything is not the same as before. Hide I need to hide. No! Dance, do anything to lie to them. Who? Why, the people you don’t like, have to make them like me! Silly! Of course they know, who know? Again, the people I really don’t like! Why are you laughing? I’m not, you silly thing, can’t you see I’m crying? Dying for a smoke fag shag roll in the hay With who? The stud by the wall, he’s shallow...

Deal (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 7 mánuðum
Deal the deaths of millions and have a nice day. We only hold true the lies we tell. Trust me, they say with their blue eyes glittering. Darkness always looms, never just is. We always wish for the lives to be lost until there is time for anger. Don’t you dare to know all the answers. Truth is hateful at the best of times, do we ever live to tell nothing but lies? No! We, in our ignorance, try to tell the truth, in which we suffer horribly. Don’t you dare to try to know me. War is here and I...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..