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Satanboy Notandi frá fornöld Karlmaður
1.012 stig
you think I'm different, when we are truly the same, I only show what others hide.

mad violinplay (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
so it shuts down this heart of sadness the shutdown is caused by utter and total madness mind and body no longer the same my body wants to rest while my mind plays a game it plays with my life it plays me like a violin like the sharpest knife it cuts deep into my soul making me bad making me evil a bit glad to not have to feel it this pain feelings can cause I have nothing to gain for I want nothing I have nothing to lose for I have nothing but pain and madness I die alone without sadness...

eitt sinn ég átti, eitt sinn ég gaf. (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
hvernig getur þú verið svona sjónlaus sérðu ekki allt ruglið veistu ekkert í þinn haus eða ertu að reyna að kvelja mig skiluru ekki að mér þykir vænt um þig að ég er að reyna að hjálp þér er þér kannski alveg sama um mig skipti ég þig engu máli þú átt hug minn heilan og hjartað líka ávallt sama deilan dreg ég þig niður eða þú mig nú sé ég hvað ég átti það var hjarta þitt en það ekki mátti svo þú tókst það í burt nú sit ég með tárin í augunum og hugsa um þig ásóttur af draugunum sem er...

white child of the night (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
a dark cold night is my time to live in the dim moonlight I feel alive it seems to me that just to see you must put out the lights around you a child of the night a person, oh, so bright black on the outside white within happy to live and I like to give nobody knows this its a secret of mine kindness is my blizz that is why I'm evil let go of myself let go of all others I have nothing therefor I can see everybody wants something so the come to me to get what they want to see what they need...

trúir þú? (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 5 mánuðum
þessi falska trú á guð og engla himnaríki og jesú ég sé þetta fólk sem svefngengla sem neitar að vakna dofið í hausnumog vill deyfa mig líka gefa prestunum all og gera þá ríka sjá ekki blekkinguna sjá ekki sannleikann guð er dauður og lík hans ég fann ég hrækti á það og hló og tók við af honum sem alvaldur -The Poet

ljósið (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
loksins sé ég sem aldrei fyrr loksins sé ég ljósið það er að standa alveg graf kyrr og anda í takt við ljósið hatur heltók minn litla haus það hefti taktinn og ljósið það olli því að ég fraus og þyðnaði ekki við ljósið ég væli, svitnaði og kipptist við virði fyrir mér ljósið og syrgi um þann gamla sið að sýna ekki ljósið -Thr Poet

my friend Joe (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
walking down the hallway, it's so white and shiny wearing white clothes so I don't seem to be there I'm imprisoned in the darkness that surrounds me it is white, just to give us all a scare I ask every day if they can take me home they just lough and say: “you're allready there” poking me with needles I can't say that I like it can't they see the burden that I bare I ain't no schizophranic I am not insane I need no medication they just bring me pain they strap me to my bed, and say that I've...

The nature of evil (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
so my world is upside down so my face looks like a clown so what if I get fired so what if I'm allways tired I just wan't to sleep and be left alone I'm in to deep depression is my home locked away from the world outside but I like it this way who cares if I have no pride it is the price I pay born a looser born too weak became a boozer don't know what I seek is it joy is it fun is it a toy is it a gun to show to people how they'we treated me kicked me down and disrespected me walked by...

Ætlar þú á fáfnismótið (0 álit)

í Spunaspil fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum

21st century lovesong (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven time tick away minute by minute even though you're gone and you're not coming back I can't say I regret, regret whats in'em cause it's time withyou I don't want to forget it I need you and I miss you I love you but this is my fight and I fight alone I need you and I miss you I love you but this is my fight and I fight alone you don't seem to see that you are everything to me my heart seems to be with someone far away from me this hurts me so...

hring eftir hring eftir hring eftir hring (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 6 mánuðum
lífið er eins aftur og aftur ekki til neins enginn kraftur alltaf það sama ég er búinn að fá nóg þetta er mér til ama ég vill ekki meir minn bjargvættur er snúra sem ég festi í krók svo fer ég að lúra en vakna ekki aftur ég svíf á brott enginn mín saknar það er víst eins gott að ég stutti þessi leiðindi -The Poet

Love/Hate - stay/go (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
so deep in my soul so far from my heart the pain deep inside is tearing us apart still I love you cant be without you but I cant stand you practically hate you I can feel love I can feel hate it comes from above it is fate I´ll be with you always won´t leave never -The Poet

high priest (yoda) (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 21 árum, 7 mánuðum
into the darkness my soul is slipping filled with madness my mind has become my friends have gone they don't like me for what I have done but I can't help it I'm not in control I'm just an observer of my own soul I am lost do not taunt me for I am not there you must see that only my body remains and in it a foul demon I am no more -The Poet

Mental meltdown of the heart (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum
shifting and pitching twisting and turning roaming hopelessly inside I'm burning my mind is melting fading to darkness I feel empty this is hopeless she's not coming back my mind is gone my heart is crushed I feel alone there's noone here this is pointless so why bother I'm hopeless and noone cares -The Poet

good times end, bad times start (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum
life is over it has come to an end I cannot go any lower I feel like shit my head filled with crap I cannot think straight I'm about to snap going insaine or thats what my doc says that I'm loosing it I wait and count the days that I have as a saine person its not long now I feel reason slipping away my imagination is taking over paranoia is here to stay I'm one psychotic motherfucker -The Poet

I need needing you (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum
what is love and do we need it what is above why can't we see it these feelings inside me tie me down please set me free ris me of these emotions then I could do as I please instead I'm set in a certain mode pushed to my knees just to please you I'm sick of it but I like it I'm sick of you but I love you -The Poet

Lonely and Deserted (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum
Lonelyness and emptyness fill me up inside I feel abandoned, deserted I hvae my eyes wide open still I see noone cause noone is there I start to cry and run don't know where I'm going or where I'm coming from then I start to feel weak and I collapse in the sand how long have I been running? a day? a week? it doesn't matter I just lay there motionless waiting for it all to be over all this trying is pointless -The Poet

í miðri umferðinni (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
sit allsnakinn úta umferðareyjunni leifi öllum að sjá hinn rétt mig en ég get ekkert gert í kvölinni sem fylgir því að vera ég ég skil ekki hvað fólk er að glápa ég er maður alveg eins og það fólk virðist bara vera að rápa eins og það sé ekki að fara á neinn sérstakan stað ég sit um stund og velti fyrir mér bílunum og og byrja að dæma útfrá þeim þessi er í tölvinni í öllum frístundum þessi vinnur hjá kaupþing þessi hlustar bara á FM og rúntar um með litlar stelpur þessi er að fara að horfa á...

Past me, Present me (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
I'm all alone in a crowded mall my sun has shone but it shines no more I've been abandoned left to die still I don't wonder or ask why cause I understand the feeling of hate cause I hate myself and for death I wait but this wait is long and without pleasures I lay on the floor and hope to be crushed by all the people walking by but they seem to avoid me I understand why cause I am repulsive and deserve to be helpless I just wait and hope I die of hunger -The Poet

circuslife (3 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 1 mánuði
being called wierd by the freaks of the circus it is very unpleasant and haveing to live there when in your eyes I am but a peasant piked on for being myself not following the commands of others going my own way no matter whom it bothers we are not alike even thought we are brothers I will not bow and bend just becouse you say so this has got to come to an end before we loose our star attraction then noone will come to see us and noone will care nad thus we cannot take part any more -The Poet

Human Devil (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Locked up, tied and gaged Stuck in my own imagination I've been told I'm not like them I'm like an infestation I cannot be driven away I cannot be hidden you better know I'm here to stay I'm gonna haunt your soul I am not a normal guy I'm not just a human I allways was a little shy but now I'm out in the open I will soon have all the souls the it will all be over -The Poet

ruthless, soulless, madness (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
Beat me, eat me, treat me bad I can feel me going mad youre a fool and youve been had you fuckin stupid redhead I hate your guts and hope you die a slow and painfull death no I do not tell a lie I have just altered the truth now youre dieing at my hand your blood is on my hands holding a knife, I´m on my knees in the sand I lough outloud and hope you hear the sickness in my voice cause your existance has been annoying youre just an irritateing noise and now I turn down your volume -The Poet

my mentor, my father (1 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 2 mánuðum
look how far I've come becouse of you I am what I wanted to be therefor I am no longer blue and finaly I see that you did so much I know now that I need your touch to be complete I act like you and talk like you I'm apart of you I love you thank you dad…. -The Poet

Old Knight (0 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
I fear I have come to an end for that my sword is so hard to mend I can nolonger be a hero for that my strength is close to zero I try to act as I am fine but I blurt it all out with wine so now I'm but a peasant this life is not pleasant or maybe it just not for me for that a hero I was made to be I cry myself to sleep at night for that I am no longer a knight I've tried to ride my cow but I allways manage to fall somehow as I grow older my heart gets colder and I feel my life slipping away...

depression dagger (2 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 5 mánuðum
a dagger twists so deep in my head my blood is flowing as I drop on my bed I hate this life and just want to die you need not know why I've been this way since I was born before I could talk a christian sworn I never said yes I belive in god I didn't even try to nod now I am dead and not going to heaven I've benn wanting to die since I was seven but I'm not going down to hell now that I'm rotting I feel well -The Poet

Stóra litabókin mín (4 álit)

í Ljóð fyrir 22 árum, 6 mánuðum
sé lítið blóm gægjast uppúr grasinu svo lítið, fallegt og sakleysislegt svo ég hleyp að því og ríf það upp því þetta litla blóm er frekt það tók plássið frá grasinu svo ég ríf það í pínulitla bita þegar fólk sér mig heldur það að ég sé geðveikur eða með fjögurtíu stiga hita en svo er ekki ég var bara að lita ekki í eina pínulitla bók heldur heilt tún og það átti að vera grænt haf með engri bleikri eyju og núna segja fullt af mönnum í hvítum sloppum að það eigi að setja mig í spennitreyju en...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..