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Re: svona gerum við er við krökkum diska frá skífunni

í Vélbúnaður fyrir 22 árum
Það vaar grein um þetta í sound….<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who fell on the...

Re: LAN hjálp

í Windows fyrir 22 árum
Ég gat reddað þessu einhvernvegin og eg get pingad tölvurnar. En get ég ekki sherad á einhvern anna hátt og hvað með net tenginguna.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and...

Re: LAN hjálp

í Windows fyrir 22 árum
Hún er glæný. Og á xp tölvuni í network connections er lan tenging þar sem stendur connected. <br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four...

Re: LAN hjálp

í Windows fyrir 22 árum
Þetta er crossed TP og ég nota eingan hub.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who...

Re: LAN hjálp

í Windows fyrir 22 árum
Ég hef gert eins og þú sagðir en tölvurnar finna ekki hvoraðra, það kemur bara timed out.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four...

Re: LAN hjálp

í Windows fyrir 22 árum
HVernig set ég ip tölu á netkortið í win 98?<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who...


í Half-Life fyrir 22 árum
Þetta kom hjá mér stundum en svo hætti það bara.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon,...


í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Kvykmyndafyrirtækin meiga nú alveg tapa miljón þegar þau okra fólki með 800 kall í bíó og græða marga miljarða.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought...


í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Það er ekki þjófnaður. Þjófnaður er þegar maður stelur, semsagt að taka hlut sem einhver annar á. Og þar með basta.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They...

Re: System Volume Information

í Tilveran fyrir 22 árum
Er í lagi að ég eyði möppuni.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who fell on the...

Re: System Volume Information

í Tilveran fyrir 22 árum
Hvað þýðir partitionið?<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who fell on the mountains...


í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Svo þér finnst að maður sé að stela þegar mar er að dla á kazaa og öðrum p2p foritum. Ég er nú ekki alveg sammála. q=)<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They...

Re: Óreglulegur hiksti

í Tilveran fyrir 22 árum
Fáðu þér tvö vatnsglös þá hverfur hann, líkurnar eru 98% að það heppnist.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil...


í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Stuld á hverju?<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who fell on the mountains of...

Re: The two towers

í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Two Towers bókin er náttúrulega eftir Tolkien þannig að það er eiginlega hægt að seigja að myndin sé það líka.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought...


í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Og hvað er það svosem sem þarf að réttlæta?<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at last slew Ancalagon, who...

Re: The two towers

í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Kíktu á, þar ættir þú að geta fundið eitthvað.<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for twenty-four hours, until Eärendil at...


í Tolkien fyrir 22 árum
Ég hef farið á hana í bíó og ég er þegar búinn að ná í hana með kaaza lite. (Kærar þakkir shelob)<br><br>Ancalagon, Ancalagon the black The mightiest of Morgoth's winged dragons, loosed from Angband against the host of the Valar at the end of the War of Wrath. Even that mighty army was driven back by the onset of Ancalagon and his vassals, but Eärendil came through the sky in Vingilot to do battle with the dragon armada, and he was aided by Thorondor and the Eagles. They fought for...

Re: Er hægt að fara úr eigin líkama?

í Vísindi fyrir 22 árum
Þú þekkir mig ekki og getur ekki sagt að ég lifi alltaf í svona þröngsýnu sjónarhorni. Og ég afsaka lélegt orðalag mitt, það sem ég meina er að höfundurinn sé kanski “svollítið klikk”.

Re: Er hægt að fara úr eigin líkama?

í Vísindi fyrir 22 árum
Nei það er alsekki hægt að “fara úr eigin líkama”. Höfundur bókarinnar er geðbilaður. Ég vorkenni þér og öllum öðrum sem trúa þessu kjaftæði eða hafa ekki nógu mikla greind til að skera úr því hvort þetta sé satt eða ekki.

Re: Hvað er hakk?

í Netið fyrir 22 árum
thesnowman þú ert fífl xp sucks

Re: Hvað er hakk?

í Netið fyrir 22 árum
Ég myndi endilega vilja komast yfir þetta script. plz bara sendu mér skilaboð marr. Þetta er algjörlega ólöglegt og löggan gæti náð þér.

Re: Er barnið þitt hakkari?

í Netið fyrir 22 árum

Re: Er barnið þitt hakkari?

í Netið fyrir 22 árum
Omg má maður vera paranoid foreldri. Ef foreldrar mínir myndu sjá listan og trúa honum myndu þau strax halda að ég væri hacker. LOL
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..