Fékk tölvupóst á hotmail-ið mitt kl. 9:48


This is email from Windows Live Customer Service® and we are sending it to all user for safety. Due to the anonymous registration of our database which is causing congestion to our service, so we are shutting down some account and your account was among those to be deleted. The purpose of this email is for you to verify that you are the owner of this account and you are still using it by filling the information below after clicking on the reply button:

Username: ……………………..
Password: …………………….
Date of Birth: …………………
Country or Territory: …………
Make sure the details above are correct to enable us restore your account details, this will help prevent your account from been suspended.
Users have often told us that the more they use Windows Live! Service, the more they discover its benefits. We'll keep working on making Windows Live! the best email service around, and we appreciate your joining us for the ride.

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

Ég játa að ég var næstum farinn að svara, þetta virtist svo raunverulegt í fyrstu.
Svo datt mér í hug að athuga hver senti þetta raunverulega og fór í “Reply”. Þetta er sem sagt frá einhverjum “issam137@hotmail.com” sem ég efa að sé í vinnu hjá hotmail.

Ef þetta er rangt hjá mér leiðréttið.