Sko einhverja hluta vegna virðist eg ekki geta connectað quakenet á irc hjá mér. Þetta er það sem kemur ef ég reyni að connecta:

[11:16:23] * Connecting to (6668)
[11:16:26] *** Looking up your hostname
[11:16:27] *** Found your hostname, cached
[11:16:27] *** Checking Ident
[11:16:34] *** No ident response
[11:16:36] ::: Your username is invalid.
[11:16:36] ::: Connect with your real username, in lowercase.
[11:16:36] ::: If your mail address were, your username would be foo.
[11:16:36] ::: Error: Closing Link: dezeGno by (USER: Bad username)
[11:16:36] * Disconnected

Ef einhver veit svarið við þessu then plz tell me.