rústaði gömlu tölvunni minni! hann var alltaf að pirra mig einhvernegin: Did yuo know that blabla.
Ég var voðalega pirraður út í þetta, þannig að ég deletaði honum eins og skot! en allt ruslið eftir hann var þarna ennþá! ég var alveg SUPER MESSAÐUR! og líka það að á meðan að hann var á tölvunni minni, þá var ég oft á MSN Messenger að chattta við vini mína, en þessi FJÁRANS VÍRUS BONZI BUDDY lét mig alltaf detta útaf spjallinu, og leikjunum, og fullt af öðru bara til að segja það sama MILLJÓN SINNUM!: are you a gold member?, did you know? blablabla! og hérna kemur smá texti úr síðunni!:
Welcome to the world of BonziBUDDY! He will explore the Internet with you as your very own friend and sidekick! He can talk, walk, joke, browse, search, e-mail, and download like no other friend you've ever had! He even has the ability to compare prices on the products you love and help you save money! Best of all, he's FREE!
He will learn from you! Once he knows your likes and interest he will search the world and find you new sites you have not yet discovered or traveled to!
He can kiss and hug friends and loved ones all over the world on your behalf! He will deliver the message himself and even talk and express emotions for you!
He will handle all of your Internet file downloads for you! He will even allow you to continue browsing the Internet while he takes care of your download! He will notify you when he is done!
He can keep you on schedule. He will track your appointments and tasks with his built-in calendar! He is never late for an appointment!
Keeps you informed of late breaking news!
He organizes the Internet the way you want it!
He will make you smile throughout your day with his little gorilla personality!
He can educate people of all ages with his wealth of knowledge and trivia!
He makes your computer and the Internet easier, safer, and definitely more fun!
He has the ability to save you money! He will search the Internet for the best price on the products you love
kannski er allt þetta satt, en hann eyðileggur tölvunna, og ég held að þetta sé einhverskonar vírus!
Kv. Gexus