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Hérna er kynning á alþjóðlegri ráðstefnu um sköpun og ungt fólk, sem haldin verður á Grand Hótel dagana 2.-4. desember næstkomandi (sjá tilkynningu hér að neðan).

Innovation and Creativity in the hands of the young
Grand Hotel, 2 - 4 December 2009


Innovation and Creativity are an important part of the resources that both nations and the global community need to harness, in order to get through the current global economic and social crisis.

The aim of this conference is to contribute to this by presenting knowledge and inspiration on how to generate innovation and creativity by placing this perspective in the hands of the young. The aim is also to turn the conference into an event. As participant you will receive new knowledge and will be inspired to new insights you can use for challenging the thinking in your daily environment.

The content and the outcome of the conference will be documented in writing and in living pictures. And the messages from the conference about how to gear up our nations to create innovation and creativity in the hands of the young will be communicated to the Closing conference of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation in Stockholm.

The three day conference is of interest to a wide spectrum of audience, ranging from young people to industry and academia as well as policy makers. The only prerequisite is that you are enthusiastic about participating in finding the answers to how to design our communities to release the innovative and creative potential of the young!

The conference will attract both academic dialogue and practical perspectives on the relations between education, work life and the third sector. There will be presentations on aspects as education, art and design, entrepreneurial mindsets and policy development.
As participant you will be inspired by talks from researchers and innovatively thinking entrepreneurs that represent the highest knowledge within these areas - and at the same time you will be surprised by the performances of the young actors. You will become part of an active environment with a great variety: input, debates, plenary sessions, group work, performances and happenings, dialogues and networking in different settings.

Through a mix of action, input, dialogue and good opportunities for individual and collective reflection all participants will experience a high level of learning. It will be an unconventional conference - exchanging, debating and reflecting will be carried out in a young creative environment with the ambition that all participants use each other to think innovatively and reach new realizations together.

Young participants from all the Nordic countries, who are involved in innovative and creative processes, have been especially invited to the conference. These young participants will contribute with their insights and experiences in the areas of preschool, music education, competitions, museums, music, arts, design and media. And they will also act as daily reporters on the conference presenting insights, reflections and create an action learning environment.

Once a day new research insights are presented in the parallel sessions. Simultaneous with these sessions the conference participants can take part in creating a internet based dialogue with the outside world. Two weeks before the conference a face book group will open and will continue during and after the conference.

The hosts of the conference will be Högni Egilsson and Sigríður Thorlacius – two young artists from Iceland.

The Conference is a joint Nordic involvement in the European Year of Innovation and Creativity 2009 (EYIC 2009). The concept is built on the Icelandic Sector programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers for 2009 within research, culture and education that focuses on education, creativity and entrepreneurship in the time of globalisation.

The processes at the conference are designed by the new initiative from the Nordic Council of Ministers – the Learning and Dialogue Forum - established in 2009. The aim of this initiative is to develop methods and instruments to support dialogue and learning environments in our communities – with particular emphasis on conferences and big meetings in the Nordic countries.

The Conference Program can be accessed here: