Jæja….þannig er mál með vexti að ég er þvílíkur aðdáandi Blink 182 og hreinlega dýrka þá! Ég hef tekið eftir því hvað fólk ( sérstaklega svona rokk-metal fólk ) er alltaf eitthvað svo sárt og biturt útí Blink 182! alltaf með einhver skítköst sem eiga alls ekki rétt á sér!
Þannig að ég fór að velta fyrir mér afhverju fólki er svona illa við blink 182! ég fór á netið og fann ÁSTÆÐUR hverju fólk er svona sárt og biturt útí Blink 182! endilega lesiði þetta!

1. People pick on blink because they are (except for maybe Greenday) the most successful punk band of all time. Regardless of your definition of punk, they are the most successful. So, like it or not, when the average Joe thinks of punk, he thinks of blink. That's why people always rant about blink, and not Simple Plan or whatever other band you can think of.

2. People criticize the simplicity of the music (I think) because they are VERY able to play it themselves, even to make it up themselves, and they wish they had thought of it first. Other people are just music snobs, and can't wrap their heads around the idea that music is supposed to create an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE from it's audience. blinks music does just that, with only a few power chords.

3. It's not just about the riffs folks. If every shmuck in North America could write lyrics like these guys do, then we'd all be rich and famous. Try as you might, you probably can't ACTUALLY write a blink-style song. It doesn't matter if you use simple or complex rhyme schemes or rythm structures, you have to have that ‘certain something’ that blink obviously has. who cares if you can think of a million other songs about suicide? Adam's Song has touched millions of kids and, regardless of wether you like it or not, it has had a huge effect on them.

4. I still can't understand people's problems with record deals and radio play. Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin STILL get radio play. Just because a band is on the radio, or on a record label, it does not equate to selling out. SELLING OUT IS WHEN YOU PLAY MUSIC THAT YOU YOURSELF DO NOT WANT TO PLAY, SO THAT YOU WILL MAKE MORE MONEY THAN IF YOU DID WHAT YOU REALLY WANTED TO DO. Blink seems to honestly enjoy what they do, and they HAPPENED to get famous for it. Besides, if you want your music to affect people anyway, what's wrong with affecting millions of people, and not just other musicians and a few music buffs? Furthermore, if you are in a band, and are 30 years old, and have not made a name for yourself, then you are probably not paying the bills to easily. Musicians can't work in fast food forever.

5. It is a true story that some people just don't like the style, or don't like songs that they hear on the radio over and over and over. And it's not blink's fault that they get overplayed, it's all the people who call in and request their songs. If you don't like the style, then that's that. Don't listen to it. I feel pity for people who are pre-disposed to hate everything that everyone else likes, or to hate anything on the radio, or to hate anything that sounds kinda like something that they've heard before. If these people had their way, there would be one or two bands in each genre that ever got any recogniton.

6. If you wanna talk about the repetitive nature of the songs, think about this first. Obviously blink has hit upon a style of writing, singing and playing that the public likes. Since they keep doing it, they are obviously able to express themselves in ways that they want to as well. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It can be argued that Jimi Hendrix (although it wasn't suicide, he was just depressed) died because he was so frustrated with tryin to find a new direction to go, and just spiraled into depression, drank too much, took too many sleeping pills and died. (read the Guitar World special issue on him to see what i mean).

7. I always preach about having to conform to non-conformity. it has become a requirement that you MUST hate blink if you want to be a punk rocker. Ironically, all the punkers who are making it big these days tour with blink, and look up to them, and thank them on their album's liner notes. What's the sense in thinking like this? “Wow, those guys are really successful. Maybe if I do everything differently than they do, then I can be a succes in the music industry as well.” Doesn't seem too logical.

//Rafael Moreira: I own about 25 Gibsons and 7 Fenders //